View Full Version : Coordination Review - Monitor/Copy - Linked Structural project - Issue

2006-10-20, 03:30 PM

I have my architectural project (no structural members). I have linked the structural project(with structural members). I use the Monitor tool, and copy the structural members (which in doing so, it monitors my new structural members just copied from the structural members in the linked file)

The theory is great, but the problem I am faced with is that while in the monitor tool, as I copy the structural member, it grabs any structural member that is loaded in my file, rather than the exact member from the linked file.

In example. In my architectural I have no structural columns. The structural project has W8x31 for columns. I use the monitor tool and copy the columns from the structural linked project. Since I don't have a W8x31 loaded in the project (and maybe even if it was loaded it wouldn't necessarily select it) it grabs any structural column I have loaded...for example a 6x6 tube steel column.

This sounds like it is something the factory didn't look at carefully? Maybe there is some, not so obvious reason?

If anyone, from factory or not, has any experience in the dealing with this issue, please reply.

Any informative posts on the subject are welcomed.

Thanks in advance,

2006-10-20, 03:38 PM

by helping someone else in the "Copy/Monitor" tool, I think I see what Factory expects the process to be.

We go into "options" of the Copy/Monitor tool
there we can see the original type(linked file) and the new type(architectural file)

But when I choose "Copy Original type" for the W8x31(original) the columns in my archtectural file don't get updated....

Still need help...

2006-10-20, 03:46 PM
Bzz, Begin note to self:

Ok...I thought I have the answer...maybe I do..but my file crashed. Process:

1 Copy/Monitor
2 Options
3 Go to Columns
4 Make all Structural Columns to "copy original"
5 Exit Options
6 Copy (still from within the Copy/Monitor tool)
7 select all structural columns(by selecting "Multiple")
8 Finish
9 all columns are copied as the original linked file
10 Exit
11 All is good

except for I crashed after either step 8 or 9....


End Note to self

2006-10-20, 03:56 PM
Ok...I am using version 9.0 Build 20060518_2300

A) If I leave the defaults in "options" in Copy/Monitor tool (using a member loaded in my project rather than one from the linked file....

1. then I can copy as many columns I want....No crashes all is perfectly normal

B) If I change the defaults in "options" in Copy/Monitor tool (choosing the original linked file member)...

1.if I copy one column then exit "Copy/Monitor" tool...no error...

2.if I copy 2 columns or more(using multiple)...it crashes...violently...

3.If I copy one column and exit, without crashing, and then go back in the Copy/Monitor tool and copy 2 or more...it crashes...violently

4.If I copy one column and exit, without crashing, and then go back in the Copy/Monitor tool and copy 1 column (no "multiple")...it crashes...violently

5.If I copy one column, then a second (without using "multiple"), on the second column selection...it crashes..violently

Believe it or not...I did the same steps as trial B) 3 and 4, except for that after I copied one column and exited the tool, in my entering the "copy/Monitor" tool the second time, before copying I went into options and exited and then it allowed me to select multiple columns ( but I haven't tried all columns yet...)

I will keep this post up to date in regards to crashes and examining what causes a crash

BTW I am sending all crash reports...so factory, you can check the crashes above with the reports I sent.... :)