View Full Version : Blocks explode on insertion

2006-10-20, 06:09 PM
I have a title block with attributes that I am inserting into a new drawing. There seems to be some variable set because when the title block is inserted the block is exploded into its individual pieces. I have never come across this before. Is there a variable I am missing?

2006-10-20, 06:11 PM
how are you inserting it...tool palette?

tool palette....right click block properties [explode]..no

when useing insert.....make sure [explode] (lower left corner) is not checked

2006-10-20, 06:17 PM
I am old school so I just use the insert command and it is exploded.

I am using landdesktop 2006 is too palette available in Land 2006.

2006-10-20, 06:23 PM
Starting with the simple things -

Start the Insert command and look at the box in the bottom left corner marked "explode". If that has once been checked the setting is remembered until someone unchecks it. The explode option is in effect even if you use -insert and avoid the dialogue box.

2006-10-20, 06:30 PM
I feel like a idiot... but yes it is selected.

Is this controlled by a variable? I have never had this automatically set to explode? Is this the default.

I guess I should have looked harder but sometimes you are hitting returns so quick you don't even see stuff like this.

2006-10-20, 08:01 PM
I feel like a idiot... but yes it is selected.

Is this controlled by a variable? I have never had this automatically set to explode? Is this the default.

I guess I should have looked harder but sometimes you are hitting returns so quick you don't even see stuff like this.
Happens to the best of us (which I am not). At least you asked.

2013-03-07, 11:07 PM
So, is this controlled by a variable? Because I'd really like my LISP functions to have control over whether or not blocks are exploded when inserted.

2013-03-08, 02:06 PM
So, is this controlled by a variable? Because I'd really like my LISP functions to have control over whether or not blocks are exploded when inserted.


I'm fairly certain there is not.

Here is a list of the block system variables (from 2013 Help):
(The EXPLMODE sysvar only affects whether non-uniformly scaled blocks can be exploded or not)

2013-03-08, 02:20 PM
Hmm. Learn something new everyday. Does that mean I can go home now?

2013-03-08, 02:32 PM
Hmm. Learn something new everyday. Does that mean I can go home now?

Heh... you have my permission to leave the office, but, you have to be available for augi whims. ;)

2013-03-08, 03:38 PM
Not this weekend. I will be without a computer until LATE Sunday once I leave the office.

2013-03-08, 03:38 PM
Another idea you can try is to recreate the block but when you save it make sure that the option to allow exploding is unchecked. (see image below) This way no matter what, the block can not be exploded unless you physically change the setting on the block after it has been inserted into the drawing.

89375that has the attributes in it,

Ed Jobe
2013-03-08, 04:07 PM
So, is this controlled by a variable? Because I'd really like my LISP functions to have control over whether or not blocks are exploded when inserted.

If your lisp is doing an insert, all you have to do is prompt the user. Then if they choose to explode, follow the insert command with an EXPLODE L.

2013-03-08, 04:15 PM
If your lisp is doing an insert, all you have to do is prompt the user. Then if they choose to explode, follow the insert command with an EXPLODE L.

Using the -insert command, (probably works in lisp too didn't check)

If you add an asterisk in front of the block name it will come in exploded.

-insert > *blockname > (pick insert point....etc)

(comes in exploded)

EDIT.. confirmed, it works in lisp too

(command "-insert" "*myblock pause "")

2013-03-08, 06:53 PM
So, is this controlled by a variable? Because I'd really like my LISP functions to have control over whether or not blocks are exploded when inserted.

When inserting from the command line, if the block name is preceded by an asterisk, the block will be exploded on insertion. The default on the command line appears to update based on the last setting of the checkbox on the regular block insertion dialog. However, if you manually put in the "plain" block name while using -insert, the block will not be exploded. Hope that helps!

Edit: Ninjas, gah! Could swear that post wasn't there when I started typing... I think I'm going blind. ;)

2013-03-11, 01:30 PM
Thank you, all, for the good ideas. I think I knew about the asterisk thing, back 25-30 years ago when I did this more regularly. Must be getting forgetful in my old age.