View Full Version : Problem with Text Size, Regular vs Bold

Scott D Davis
2004-06-21, 09:29 PM
Ok, so I'm setting up our templates (Finally!) and I am trying to include everything to prevent ID-Ten-T (ID10T) errors. I'm trying to get all of our Text objects set up for every size we use. We want to use Arial Narrow as a Standard. Here's the dilemma:

When making 3/8" Arial Narrow and 3/8" Arial Narrow BOLD, the bold font is significantly smaller than the 3/8" standard font. Anyone know why? I've double checked everything, the only difference between the two, is the Bold check box is checked in one and not the other. See attached:

Scott Hopkins
2004-06-21, 09:57 PM
Whats an ID-Ten-T (ID10T) error?

2004-06-21, 10:03 PM
Looks Iike a bug.

I tested using 4 mm font size and the Arial Narrow Bold scaled at 3.1 mm.

Wes Macaulay
2004-06-21, 10:16 PM
Hey Scott - what build are you on?

Scott D Davis
2004-06-21, 10:23 PM
6.1 build 20040306_0300 (didn't get the latest until i know what its for!)

ID10T, look at it graphically, seems to spell out "idiot" , we use that term around here to define the "computer challenged" people. You know, like the guy that says "where's the ANY key?" You can tell your ITguy right in front of someone that doesn't have a clue..."Yeah, it was an "id ten t" error, but its working now." :razz:

Think its a bug? Time to submit to support?

2004-06-21, 10:33 PM
What does it do in Word?

Ok, so I'm setting up our templates (Finally!) and I am trying to include everything to prevent ID-Ten-T (ID10T) errors. I'm trying to get all of our Text objects set up for every size we use. We want to use Arial Narrow as a Standard. Here's the dilemma:

When making 3/8" Arial Narrow and 3/8" Arial Narrow BOLD, the bold font is significantly smaller than the 3/8" standard font. Anyone know why? I've double checked everything, the only difference between the two, is the Bold check box is checked in one and not the other. See attached:

2004-06-21, 10:38 PM
Works OK for me in Word.

Scott D Davis
2004-06-21, 10:41 PM
I checked it in Word before I posted....text remained same height, Text 'stroke' got fatter.

2004-06-21, 10:44 PM
vewy stwange...give support my love ;-)

Scott Hopkins
2004-06-21, 10:44 PM
I am such and ID-10-T :rolleyes:

Scott D Davis
2004-06-21, 11:03 PM
see? I knew you'd catch on to the proper usage of that phrase Scott H! :-) :-)

2004-06-21, 11:13 PM
I tested this in Autocad (which works fine), so it must be a Revit problem rather than a font problem.

Kim Heaver

Scott D Davis
2004-06-21, 11:16 PM
Kim you are probably right because i tested it in Word, and it seemed to be fine. Arial Narrow is such a standard font.....

Wes Macaulay
2004-06-22, 03:46 AM
Oh. Arial Narrow. Yeah. That font's been a problem for me before -- not with stuff like this, but in other respects -- printing problems and such. Arial Narrow does this in any size in Revit -- you make a style with Arial Narrow bold and it shrinks!

I dunno why it does this but I'll tell ya that Arial Narrow just makes me nervous. I'm sure the factory will look into this, but in my experience Arial Narrow is a flaky font. I was doing a proposal in it once and it came back from the printers all screwed up. I ended up switching fonts last minute!

I'm almost not surprised that that font creates problems for Revit, too :confused:

Scott D Davis
2004-06-22, 04:55 AM
Well, our default AutoCAD font was RomanS, with a .8 width factor applied. So we are attempting to use Arial Narrow in Revit to take its place. We import/link AutoCAD details into Revit, and because our default AutoCAD text is 'squished', if we use any non-narrow font in Revit, the text blows out in width everywhere! Arial Narrow seemed like the best replacement.....but maybe not!

2004-06-22, 06:12 AM
I've messed around with the same scenario you are trying Scott and most likely it isn't going to pan out...

The only way I've found to get 1:1 text representation in Revit from AutoCAD details is to use a width factor of 1 (you did see my tipsntricks post right?). If you use the font mapping you can leave the font choice alone in Autocad and map it to a ttf in Revit, as long as your width factor is 1.

A custom routine could address the width factor in an entire library of details in short order. Then you'd be left to move text around to "fix" their look. Not a fun task, but you could knock it off on a project by project basis and make the bitter pill less bitter?

If the details have to live in dwg for the long term, then (I think) you're better off working out the dwg width factor in the dwg instead of the other way around.

Unless, you can work some magic, figure out what's causing the problem, and get it fixed. Go get em Tiger!

Scott D Davis
2004-06-22, 05:13 PM
This has been submitted to Revit support, which has triggered an Inquiry. It has been sent by support to the Rev-Dev team at the Factory.

The problem was duplicated by support for Arial Narrow, but other fonts seem to 'bold' without problem. I will let you all know if a solution is found.

2004-07-21, 01:18 PM
This has been submitted to Revit support
How do we submit items to Revit support? I met a couple of the guys from Revit at a local user group, and they made reference to the fact that we can email them directly with problem files, but I was not able to get the proper email address(es), and Autodesk is pretty good at hiding any link to this on their website...

J. Grouchy
2004-07-21, 02:06 PM
Oh. Arial Narrow. Yeah. That font's been a problem for me before -- not with stuff like this, but in other respects -- printing problems and such. Arial Narrow does this in any size in Revit -- you make a style with Arial Narrow bold and it shrinks!

I dunno why it does this but I'll tell ya that Arial Narrow just makes me nervous. I'm sure the factory will look into this, but in my experience Arial Narrow is a flaky font. I was doing a proposal in it once and it came back from the printers all screwed up. I ended up switching fonts last minute!

I'm almost not surprised that that font creates problems for Revit, too :confused:

We've never had a problem, aside from this shrinking issue when going to bold, with Arial Narrow. Our office uses it as a standard and have never had any printing or crashing problems with it. We prefer it because it is crisp, clear and compact (which is especially helpful in Revit since text editing in Revit is currently extremely weak).

Scott D Davis
2004-07-21, 03:39 PM
How do we submit items to Revit support?
See the Announcment thread at the top of the Tips & Tricks Forum page:


2007-11-29, 08:30 PM
I'm working in Revit 2008 and i was wondering if this problem was ever resolved...I'm having it right now and wondering if there was a fix or a go around.

Wes Macaulay
2007-11-29, 08:53 PM
Hmm -- it's working here now, but perhaps my PC has a different version of Arial Narrow. Try the one attached to this e-mail -- copy out your version of Arial Narrow, then delete it from your fonts, then add the ones attached to this message.

2007-11-29, 11:15 PM
I have been using Revit for nearly 5 years and have found that every version has had this problem - however when you highlight the text and change it to bold ( instead of using the type parameter) the font size remains the same it just becomes bold....I have no idea why using the type parameter setting makes it smaller.

Wes Macaulay
2007-11-29, 11:32 PM
I am not having that problem any more...