View Full Version : Total crash

2006-10-24, 10:21 AM
Shorten a grid line Crash
Move a floor Crash
Pan too fast Crash.

I thought it was the temp file getting too big and not having enough space left on the server to reconcile the local file with the central file. My files are around 200 mb with 30 work sets with 4 linked Revit files and about 15 linked AutoCAD files.

Any thoughts?


2006-10-24, 12:35 PM
RAM - How much ram do you have on your machine? I think that you are pushing your machine way too hard. We're working on a 200mb model, and have to be careful and keep up the maintenance to make sure it keeps working. You should be running with 3-4 GB of RAM for a model that size. I would also suggest purging the models (all four), auditing them, and compressing them. We try to purge once a month or so, compress, at least once a week, and audit them when it seems necessary.

Are you working with all the linked models open all the time? If so, then the computer is seeing that as if you had all 4 files open and active, not just the one that you are working in. Only open the links that you need, and then only the worksets that you need. Even in the active model, use worksets to manage what is open.

Ok, so that is a lot of things to keep in mind, and you probably don't have to do all of them, we are not as good at following some of these rules of thumb as we should be. I like to see what is happening in the model, and find that coordination is improved with all the worksets on all the time. So the big on is the RAM. If you can upgrade to 3-4 GB of ram that should help a lot. Also, note that you will need to install the 3GB switch in windows to make use of any RAM over 2GB. If you are already at that level of ram or are still having problems, then look to the worksets, to limit what is open.


2006-10-24, 02:10 PM
My first suggestion would be to get rid of your Autocad links. They make your files extremly slow. They also contribute towards the file size in a ridiculous way. Make sure that you redo all inplace families as new families and replace them. This will help your projects in a major way. If it still crashes then look at your hardware as Michael Deorsey suggested and if that isn't the problem then send the file to support to have a look at. Cheers have a great day.

2006-10-26, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the advise. 2 megs of ram just ain't enough. I'll go get more.
