View Full Version : Lines on RCPs

Exar Kun
2004-06-22, 02:38 AM
High, I've tried doing a reflected ceiling plan for the first time and I've found that normal linework I draw is not visible in the RCP - it always turns up on the work plane that I was asked to select before it let me start working on the RCP itself. So if I select the ground floor RCP it will ask me to select a work plane and here it doesn't matter what level I select (ground floor, ceiling level etc.), I get a warning about the line I've just drawn not being visible in this view and it (the line) turns up in the work plane I selected before. Not sure what to do...

Thanks for any help. :)

2004-06-22, 02:48 AM
If you want to draw linework that appears only in the view you are drawing in, use the Drafting tab and draw away without the need to select a work plane.

If you want the linework to appear in more than one view, you will need to draw using model lines which associate with work planes.

It sounds as though your ceiling may have been located as a height offset from a level, and you are placing your model linework on another level. Try use the "pick a plane" option ( check the status bar to be sure you are picking the ceiling and not some other plane.)

Exar Kun
2004-06-22, 03:51 AM
Thanks a bunch - it worked a treat.

One other quick question - how do I draw a leader, or just an arrow I guess, without associating text with it? I.e. for placing on falls etc.

thanks again.

2004-06-22, 04:07 AM
Check this POST (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=4609&highlight=Null ).

I uploaded a symbol family that is a "null" text object that you can add leaders too.

Exar Kun
2004-06-25, 05:04 AM
Thanks for that Steve. :)