View Full Version : Substitute external reference files that have had their names changed

2006-10-25, 12:57 AM
I have the following problem: We had to rename a project folder with a new job number, that part was fixed easily with the reference manager, but, all file names contain the job number as well, so the file names changed as well, and while the path part is fixed, the external references are still not found, because the files they reference have a new name. Is there a way to fix this avoiding to redirect the references to the new files?


2006-10-25, 05:46 AM
I do not know a simple solution to this problem (hope there is) but I'm betting there is no easy way out. You'll probably have to go against the grain on this one and just smooth it out one by one.
Good luck.

2006-10-25, 12:31 PM
Bad news if the filename changed you will have to repath each file. You may be able to find someone to help write a routine to do it automatically but by the time you have to written it might be easier to do it the old fashion way. You may what to ask for help in the customization forum.

2006-10-25, 04:00 PM
Thanks guys.

2006-10-26, 09:55 AM

The following thread may offer some help...

Rename multiple Xrefs in dwg

Have a good one, Mike

2006-10-26, 10:39 PM
There should be at least a Setting/Options in Autocad that lets you rename and repath Xrefs for a specific project without having to ever worry if your linkage between files are compromised, especially Xrefs. I mean, CAD's been around for ages now and this sorta thing still hasn't been improved or "fixed" to make life easier.
To me, renaming fies is just a normal thing that happens now and then that just can't be avoided. So im thinking, what gives?

my half cent.