View Full Version : Upgrading family libraries with Autodesk "utility"

2006-10-26, 01:44 PM
Has anyone had this problem when using the Autodesk "family upgrade utility" (really a .bat file and journal file) when attempting to upgrade large libraries?

I ran the .bat file and it seems to take only the first file of any sub directory below the first sub directory of the root library folder. This is BS, since Autodesk's own default library includes subs of subs of subs, especially in the detail library.

Also, has anyone written a .bat file to clean-up after the upgrade journal file is run. As during the "upgrade" process it leaves a standard bak file: "filename.xxxx.rfa" for each family that is upgraded, effectively doubling the size of the library and leading to potential confusion for end users.

Thank you,

Scott D Davis
2006-10-26, 03:21 PM
Posted here once before (i've searched and can't yet find it) was a modified Upgrade_RFA.bat and TXT file that will delete all the backups that are created.

Try searching for posts by Steven Campbell (a Factory guy...)

2006-10-26, 03:24 PM
Posted here once before (i've searched and can't yet find it) was a modified Upgrade_RFA.bat and TXT file that will delete all the backups that are created.

Try searching for posts by Steven Campbell (a Factory guy...)
Thanks Scott. I've already got our internal Revit IT support guy looking at it, so it might be a race. :)

Does the updated bat address the sub-folder issue, do you remember?


2006-10-26, 03:36 PM
Was this the post you had in mind Scott?


If so, I don't think this solves my issue(s) from the sound of it. Its a new journal file that closes, the families, which mine did. The issue still remains that the bat file doesn't handle anything more than a sub directory of the library folder structure, and I don't think a journal file can be expected to delete the back-up copies after they're created by a save to the family file. Though I suppose the journal file could be set-up to re-direct the save to a new location.....

Got another one for people to consider too, has anyone looked at creating a journal file to automatically add in a firm wide set of standard parameters that you want in every family? What about upgrading custom template, or add the same firmwide parameters to all templates. I'm thinking that if the journal file could add the parameters, a bat file could rename the rfa files created to be rft. Or would you first need a bat file to copy rename the rft to rfa, run the journal file, and run another bat to raname to rft.
