View Full Version : Questioning my resulting sun study images...

2006-10-29, 11:25 PM
Loving the ability to export a sun study! However, my winter values are almost laughable, with the model being extremely dark even in the middle of the day. To be quite honest--I don't trust the output right now.

So, here is the only variable I see that could be messing with me: I have a site model, a dense urban site, raised to its true elevation above sea level--about 150'-0". Anyone else experiencing this?

2006-10-30, 12:08 AM
That's about what I'd expect.

The brightness of a face is determined by the angle the light hits it as compared to it's normal. The closer they are to being equal the brighter the face. The light in winter is at a shallow angle so there's less light energy striking the face (also why it's colder <brrr>) and therefore the face is darker.

As far as I know there's no way to make things brighter in Revit.

2006-10-30, 12:09 AM
I'd try making a temp copy of the project, moving the whole kit n' kaboodle to 0' and doing the sunhttp://forums.augi.com/images/icons/icon6.gif study. If it works then, you'll know your answer.

PS: Not trusting analysis output from computers is a good habit. When the computer says your thing weighs 450.28347254824 Kg it looks very convincing but it's best to check it other ways.

2006-10-30, 01:46 PM
Your results are also what I would expect from Revit in a shaded view, and I doubt that moving the site to 0' will alter these results. I would think that if you rendered the views, that you would get a more consistent result.


2006-10-30, 02:46 PM
It's not quite that dark here in the northeast during the winter...LOL.

I went ahead and put them into VIZ and got more realistic results.

I can't complain...the solar study is still a great tool and level of functionality we didn't have before! Cheers!!!