View Full Version : Update about my multistorey adventure

2003-06-17, 08:13 PM
In a past thread, I thought it could be a very good idea to save each apartment as a separate revit file, then save each one as a group to disk, and load them into the building project. It looks cool because it's a very elegant way for organizing your project.

It works "almost" fine. The problem is that it seems you can't overwrite a group by reloading it again: Unlike what happens with families, Revit will tell you it's renaming the group to avoid conflicts :shock: ...so... if you can't reload a group, this means you can't modify your groups from the apartment project file :banghead: ...which turns this approach useless.....


If anybody thinks it's possible to reload a group (or an equivalent workaround), please tell. I planned the project with this multifile approach in mind, and I'd like to continue that way if possible.

Wes Macaulay
2003-06-17, 08:53 PM
You're not entirely screwed: say you want to load group A into a project that already has a group A. Revit will rename the group to group B. Your group A units in the project can be all selected at once by scrolling down to your group definitions in the Project Broswer and right-clicking on Group A and picking "Select All Instances". Then, with them all selected, you can change them all at once by picking Group B from the type selector.


2003-06-17, 09:25 PM
Very good idea! The bad news is that I got one of those "a serious error has happened" dialog when changing the group type... But yes, your idea should work if I can find what's causing that fatal error...

Unfortunately the error dialog doesn't give me any hints about what elements are causing it, but I'll try to find it.

Thanks a lot!!

2003-06-18, 10:52 AM
After some testing, my conclusion is that my multifile idea is potentially affected by too many serious/fatal bugs in the current Revit version. If you want to make intense use of groups in a project, the most safe approach is to follow the rule "One building, one file".

Martin P
2003-06-19, 04:47 PM
Very good idea! The bad news is that I got one of those "a serious error has happened" dialog when changing the group type... But yes, your idea should work if I can find what's causing that fatal error...

Unfortunately the error dialog doesn't give me any hints about what elements are causing it, but I'll try to find it.

Thanks a lot!!

I have been getting that with the simplest of groups, changing them causes a crash - infact I find generally using them full stop causes crashes :?: ...... even just detail and filled regions seem to stuff it up

I have dabbled a bit with linking revit files together, as opposed to groups - just like xrefs in autocad - it worked really well for a building that had some complicated structural elements, I knew they were all "safe" and could not be affected by the walls etc, and it was nice and easy to edit them. I assume you could do an appartment, and link it in - only bummer is the wall joins wouldnt be quite right - and the coordiantes wouldnt be able to export:cry: but in the same way at least you would know 100% that they were all exactly the same, and 1005 safe from changing..... I think I was effectively using them like worksets? if we could bind linked revit files, that would be so good for this kind of thing (not to mention mirrored buildings etc etc)