View Full Version : Keep text Horizontal

2006-10-30, 05:17 PM
Note that I said "Horizontal", not "readable"
I know how to made text so that they read from the bottom or from the right, but our Interiors group wants their Corner Guards to always read from the bottom only. Not from the bottom OR right, ONLY from the bottom. Of course, the symbol itself has to rotate at any angle.
See attached.

Any ideas?

2006-10-30, 05:21 PM
Tell them "B-O-O-H-O-O" for me! <kidding>

I don't have an answer for you... just wanted to make a joke this morning!

The Sweg
2006-10-30, 05:59 PM
Are these tags we're talking about? Or just plain ol' text.

2006-10-31, 02:32 PM
I started out with a Wall Tag. That had issues with being Instance based & still didn't work quite how I wanted, so I tried a Symbol, which is what it is now.

(Thought I had uploaded this yesterday afternoon, but something messed up.)

The Sweg
2006-10-31, 03:08 PM
Perhaps you could make your corner guard family a generic model family. You can still just have linework in it (which is what I do for my ceiling light fixtures). Then, you could easily make a generic tag work with it.

I only stick with the 'tag' idea because the outcome is predictable. HTH