View Full Version : design options

2006-10-30, 05:51 PM
i may be too far gone to properly correct this, and this is going to be a difficult question to ask.. but in working out design option2 for an aud, i am trying to put a roof over the lobby, and i keep getting "No element in a secondary Option can be referenced by an element outside that Option." before i started my option2, i put everything i could in option1 and created option2 from scratch... the error comes when i try to roof option2 in the same place as option1 (it's a different shape, but the same height... and it let me place the option2 stage roof in the same place as option1) now the funny thing is i can set roof of option2 at 16 1/8", just not at 16'... the only thing it hightlights during "show" of the error is the roof i'm trying to create... i've verified that everything is on the correct option (as far as i know) - i can't select anything in either option when i don't have "edit option" on... i can't really find any good, detailed tips on dealing with design options...



2006-10-30, 06:03 PM
Sounds like you're defining the roof based on walls in either the main model or the other option... right? If so I think that's your problem. If you use lines instead of selecting walls you should be able to make the roof.

2006-10-30, 06:10 PM
tried that too - in fact i made a roof way off in space with just lines and it still wouldn't let me set it at 16'-0"...


2006-10-30, 06:12 PM
Can you make the same roof in the main model (even if it's "way off in space"?)

2006-10-30, 06:21 PM
yes, in the main model and in option1 - i have to use lines... but it worked... when i view it in 3d, there are obviously two roofs...

now, i tried to move the "in space" roof i created in the main model to option2 and i got the error...

2006-10-30, 06:26 PM
Got me then... I'm out! Luck!

Steve Jager
2006-10-30, 08:44 PM
Have you tried simply cutting and pasting roof into another option? This works.

2006-10-30, 09:11 PM
that was the first thing i tried when i was setting up option2. i copied/pasted all of my roofs from option1 (cos the heights aren't changing, just the shapes, so i was going to edit them after pasting...), but it started giving me that error message all over, so i, fine, i deleted all of them and re-created them, verifing my heights with option1 - it was a lot of back and forth, but it worked... and actually, the first time i did it (the lobby area), it gave me guff, but i was able to workaround it - i cut my option1 (lobby) roof, made option2 fresh, pasted option1 back and it worked, but today i had to move my exterior wall and that's when the roof started getting really weird and it wouldn't let me do my first trick and set the height that i need...

so it'll let me cut and paste, but it won't let me set it at the height i need...

it's weird...

2006-11-01, 03:20 AM
the only thing it hightlights during "show" of the error is the roof i'm trying to create...
What does it list in the error dialog for the other element (when you expand the tree node)? In addition to whatever it says, you can write down its ID and put that in Select By Id; then you can do Properties or look in other views to try to figure out what it is.

Also, is this an extruded roof or a footprint roof?

If the problem only occurs at certain heights, it sounds like it is trying to automatically join something.

2006-11-01, 02:00 PM
it's a footprint roof... and it must be something with the room... when i expand it i get an "area info" error and and my "roof" error - it can't find the area error, even when i select by id, but when i uncheck "room bounding" in the roof object, it lets me set the height i need... and it doesn't seem to affect my room object... i guess except for the volume, but we don't really use that right now...