View Full Version : Sections and Callouts in Legend Views

2006-10-30, 09:04 PM
I have not installed 9.1 yet on my machine. Is there any chance the factory added the capability to place callouts or sections that reference other views into a legend view? I'm really needing this right now so that I can reference some of my storefront detail drafting views into my storefront elevation on my door frame type legend.

I don't see a line-based annotation family, so I guess my only option is to make a generic annotation that looks like my section head, and another one for the tail, and then manually draw a line between the two? Is there any other way to work around this?

2006-11-06, 09:22 PM
add a second vote that we need this, and no it's not in 9.1. We also need the ability to reference drawings from schedules.

Until we get that, however, the best workaround that I've come up with is to add a blank drafting view and overlay it on the elevations on the sheet. then you can put the section references in the blank drafting view and they will update automatically. You just have to remember to move both views if you want to move the storefront elevation.


2006-11-07, 01:12 AM
Could you post an example. I'd like to see this in it's entirety. I've wanted to do this for door types, window details etc., for a long time. Never tried this before.


2006-11-07, 07:11 PM
example attached

2006-11-07, 08:50 PM
thanks. that's pretty cool. I've never though of doing that. Is this working pretty well for you? Is this something that a lot of people are doing to get around this?


2006-11-07, 09:00 PM
I do it completely different. I avoid the legend if I need to dimension or do callouts (which is most of the time.)

I have a couple of phases at the front of a project.:
Legends and Types
and a phase called "--------------"

I place typical things like doors/frames, column covers, in that phase. Then I just have them demo in phase "---------------"

This separates them from the main project and I can then treat them as typical model details, cut sections, dimension an create all the standard details I need.

Works well for storefront types too.

2006-11-07, 09:08 PM
Same method here. But i think i got that from you Aaron :-)