View Full Version : Intermittent Program Freezes

2006-10-30, 09:58 PM
Anyone experiencing this?

My Revit freezes for 1-3 minutes about once a day right now.
It simply stops working, but all graphics remain intact, I just can't highlight and click any commands/saves/etc.

I have experienced this on 2 different machines with 9.1 and dis-similar
hardware/specifications. My main machine is brand new.
Sometimes it happens a couple/few times a day.

Thanks for any input.

2006-10-30, 10:11 PM
Anyone experiencing this?

My Revit freezes for 1-3 minutes about once a day right now.
It simply stops working, but all graphics remain intact, I just can't highlight and click any commands/saves/etc.

I have experienced this on 2 different machines with 9.1 and dis-similar
hardware/specifications. My main machine is brand new.
Sometimes it happens a couple/few times a day.

Thanks for any input.

Revit is simply 'thinking.' This occurs all the time throughout my day, Revit just takes a while to think is way through talking to the server and showing the graphics on the screen. I've found that if you limit the number of windows open in Revit, this time is reduce because of the less amount of regen Revit has to do...


2006-10-30, 10:24 PM
Hi Seth,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I've been using the proggie since v.5, and this is a new development.
Also, I am on a single box off of a network.
Moreover, I am pretty fastidious about keeping my opened windows down to a min., and never leave shadows on anything while I am developing/editing plans. That only happens during print time :)


Anyone else noticing this behavior?

2006-10-30, 10:58 PM
I always apply startup.exe by Mike Lin and turn off lots of startup **** that they even put in new computers. Couldn't hurt.