View Full Version : ADT Drawing Compare

Andrew Dobson
2006-10-31, 02:45 PM
Has anyone seen the drawing compare feature in ADT?


Dont know how it works, but it woud be extremely useful if Revt could indicate changes on drawing sheets between revisions in different colours etc

2007-01-31, 02:08 PM
Yes, but HOW DO YOU USE IT???

I've installed it, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, looked at help file, checked menus, right clicked here, searched there, no README popped up.

So what do I do?

I expected a new palette to be in the pull-down, but nothings there. :(

2007-01-31, 02:54 PM
I find this humorous:

"Introduced in Architectural Desktop 2007, spaces update, at the click of a button, when room boundaries, such as walls, slabs, curtain walls, change, eliminating the tedium of manual updates."

For Revit users - that one click of a button IS a tedious manual update....