View Full Version : Keynote note block filtering

2006-10-31, 05:29 PM
If I set up a note block schedule for floor plan keynotes (not material keynotes, just keyed notes for various things on the plan when there's not enough room for text on the plan), why is it that if I set up the schedule with the Keynote Type, Keynote Number, and Description, it will only allow me to filter by Number or Description? I would rather filter by the Keynote Type, so that I can have numbers 1 and up for a floor plan, and numbers 1 and up for a ceiling plan as well.

As it is now, I have to make my ceiling keynote numbers as R1, R2, R3, etc. And then I have to make demolition keynotes as D1, D2, D3, etc. just to get them to filter correctly.

2006-11-01, 05:54 AM

I mainly use three different styles of keynotes - elevation, plan and section. As far as I understand there can only be one keynote used per note block; I think thats why your not able to sort by type.

I then use keynotes on their respective sheets but if I need multiple kenotes per sheet I have just as many note block schedules on that sheet.

Hope this helps.

2006-11-01, 03:03 PM
Well I have various defined types of the Keynote symbol annotation family (plain circle with number inside).

If I click on Symbol, and pull down the drop-down list, I see types like:
Keynote : Floor Plan 1
Keynote : Floor Plan 2
Keynote : Floor Plan 3
Keynote : Plant A
Keynote : Plant B
Keynote : Plant C
Keynote : RCP 1
Keynote : RCP 2

and so on.

For the RCP notes, I set the number displayed on the keynote as R1, R2, etc. and filter out those containing an R. However, both the floor plan and plant keynotes are now showing up in my plan keynote schedule. I would like to be able to say "Filter by Type, where Keynote Type does not contain 'Plant' ", or "does not contain 'RCP' ". I don't understand why I can't filter by Type. It will only let me filter by number, which means I have to make all of my number series for each note block different.

I would rather all my notes for all my plan views show up as just numbers starting with 1, with the block for that view's notes placed on the same sheet.

2006-11-01, 03:15 PM
By the way these keynotes are acting they cannot be different families but different instances of one family. If you were to edit the keynote family and save it as another name...say RCP Keynote, import it back and use it - you could then create a note block using RCP keynotes separately rather than trying to sort the one you are using for multiple elements.

2006-11-01, 07:03 PM
All the keynotes are different family types. Yes it is one family, but each keynote number is a different family type, not a different instance type.

2006-11-01, 08:17 PM
When you create a new note block , how many families show up there?

If there is only one than the sorting I'm talking about cannot happen. If, on the other hand, there are several families for example - Plan, Section or RCP's; these are the families you will be able to use to sort by creating a note block for each one. See attached file.