View Full Version : Wall Hosted Sweeps

2004-06-22, 10:00 PM
What controls whether a wall-hosted sweep will go to the Inside or the Outside of the wall?

I think I am clicking on the walls consistently, on the outside face, but some of my sweep segments are going inside the wall.

Is this just user error or is there any secret? And is there any way to make it switch, once a segment is placed inside a wall, without deleting the segment and trying again? I seem to have to do so repeatedly.


2004-06-23, 12:16 AM
Are you using the "Host Sweep" tool and placing the sweep from an Elevation or 3D view of the wall ? ( Host Sweep does not allow placement from a plan view )

Or are you using an in-place sweep and locating the 2D path on the plan ?

2004-06-23, 01:35 AM
I am using the host sweep and I am placing it in a 3-d view so that I can pan around my building and do a continuous wall-hosted sweep from start-to-finish as is applicable.

Would I have better luck doing it in the 4 elevation views?

2004-06-23, 02:30 AM
Placing by elevation should overcome any problems you are having, but I can't really see why there should be a problem using the 3D views, since you get a "ghost" image of the sweep before placing, and as long as you rotate the 3D view, you should not get the sweep on the wrong wall face.

2004-06-23, 03:12 AM
I have just started noticing there are problems with the wall host sweep. Unless they fixed it in the new build, I will have to check tomorrow.

The old way was when you created the wall sweep you could stop when needed and then go back and add segments to the wall(s) and it would continue, no problem. Now when you place the wall sweep and stop, try going back to the wall sweep and add more segments. It has been adding then to the inside of the wall. No matter if in elevation view or 3d view.

I will check tomorrow and if the same wil let Revit now of the bug.


2004-06-23, 01:21 PM
When working in 3D - Wall sweeps will be appiled on the side facing you. So for a group of walls making a rectangle, you would need to spin the building 180 after doing the front two walls. Otherwise just selecting the back two walls will place the sweep on the opposite side. (inside). This also applies to adding new segments. It has been this way for as long as I can remember....

2004-06-23, 01:47 PM
I have just started noticing there are problems with the wall host sweep. Unless they fixed it in the new build, I will have to check tomorrow.

The old way was when you created the wall sweep you could stop when needed and then go back and add segments to the wall(s) and it would continue, no problem. Now when you place the wall sweep and stop, try going back to the wall sweep and add more segments. It has been adding then to the inside of the wall. No matter if in elevation view or 3d view.

I will check tomorrow and if the same wil let Revit now of the bug.

I tried placing the hosted sweeps in elevation this morning. It was more reliable but not yet perfect. I still had problems with one wall.

Y, I was able to add new walls to my sweep without any different problem. I had inconsistency problems adding sweeps during elevation or 3-d. I don't think I had any problem with the original placement in elevation, though. Only in 3d or when adding segments in 3d/original both.

2004-06-23, 05:39 PM
I think your right Aaron. I guess I have been lucky all this time. I will have to explore this some more.