View Full Version : Super Stuck with Keynoting!!

2006-10-31, 09:05 PM
Main Question:

I have been road blocked again by Revit, its starting to happen more frequently as people hand me the the odd jobs, but this one is stumping the veterans in the office.

I have a drawing for a huge building, I was put on the project toward the end, so it's rather new to me (first revit project). I was in charge of doing the keynoting for the millwork, so I made my keynotes in text then referenced them in under : settings> keynoting... then tagged the appropriate items. Everything is smooth up to this point. Everything is working fine.

Now they tell me to do the interior elevations keynoting. The keynotes can be found under LEGENDS in the project browser (which they can). The problem is that I can't figure out how to connect the keynoting tag to the keynotes in the legend browser. I keep getting the milwork keynotes.

Next Questions:

I also don't want to retype the notes because they are already done and in the browser. But if i did retype them and load them in the : settings> keynoting.. what would happen to the millwork notes? Would they become interior elevation notes?


2006-10-31, 11:20 PM
Keynotes have to read from a text file as you already know because you created one for your millwork. You can't point your kenotes to read from a legend. Every component in Revit uses a unique keynote that you will assign to it from a central keynoting file. This file is wherever you told Revit it was under settings, keynoting. All your keynotes need to be contained within the file you tell revit to look at for your project. The way I have mine set up is I have a master keynote file set up by CSI division. I used the one that came OOTB with Revit, copied it, saved as an excel file and modify it as I need to, meaning I add extra keynotes I need for every project, then I'll have them in there. I created an extra division for user defined for custom keynotes. When I add something to the excel file, I then save it as a txt file, replace the existing and re-start revit, this will now contain your new keynotes. Also, say if you have a 2x4 detail component, the 2x4 can be used in a lot of different scenerios, like top plate, block, ledger etc. You would need to edit, duplicate family and assign a diff. keynote to each copy of the family you would like it to have so that you can have multiple instances of the same dc but with diff. keynotes.

So it sounds like you are going to have to type in your keynotes that you are using on your legend, but just make sure you add them to the same text file that you created for your millwork, because that is where you told Revit to look for your kenotes. Then assign the new keynotes to the objects in your interior elevations as needed. I always set up my kenotes to show per sheet, place a keynote note block on every page and the list will populate itself based off of what views are on what sheet.

Hope this helped you out.


2006-11-02, 08:23 PM
Main Question:

I have been road blocked again by Revit, its starting to happen more frequently as people hand me the the odd jobs, but this one is stumping the veterans in the office.

I have a drawing for a huge building, I was put on the project toward the end, so it's rather new to me (first revit project). I was in charge of doing the keynoting for the millwork, so I made my keynotes in text then referenced them in under ............Mark

Hey Mark . this isn't a blog or somehting .. next time cut to the question quicker :P

2006-11-02, 09:00 PM
Are you using keyontes by sheet?
We do keynotes by sheet and we dont use the csi format so i came up with the following solution

Use one keynote file and give each project its own "division" with sub divisions like demo notes, floor plan notes, elevation notes, etc. Under each sub division place a list of notes.

This system requires an index of notes on the left side, note that these notes are just for house keeping and have nothing to do with the numbering on the sheet--using the by sheet numbering method.

.061102(tab)Project X
.061102.00(tab) DEMO NOTES(tab).061102
.061102.00.001(TAB)DEMO ALL DOORS(TAB).61102.00
.061102.00.002(TAB)DEMO ALL WINDOWS(TAB).61102.00
.061102.01(tab) FLOOR PLAN NOTES(tab).061102
.061102.00.001(TAB)PAINT THIS DOOR RED(TAB).61102.01
.061102.00.002(TAB)PAINT THIS WINDOW GREEN(TAB).61102.01

.061103(TAB) PROJECT Y

2006-11-02, 09:09 PM

We do it the dumb way because it saves us time in the end, which it sounds like it would for you too. We have our legends, which are in the template and then delete whatever you don't need out of it. Then for the keynotes, I made a custom txt for the keynote database with just the numbers 1-50 or whatever, without typing in everything into the text file. Then we just pick the number we want to give it, and if we want to change the description of the object we can do that on the legend.

2006-11-03, 06:12 PM
i like the dumb way best, its how i ended up doing it anyways. This was my 'guessed' solution. It's bitting me in the *** though because ineed to print it in 15 mins, but the filter is not showing whats on the drawing so the legend is showing every keynote. Grrrr!

Life is Great!


Some days your the pigeon, and some days your the statue!

2006-11-03, 06:20 PM
Some days your the pigeon, and some days your the statue!

Off topic, I know...

I use this one all of the time:
Sometimes you're a bug and sometimes you're a windshield.

2006-11-03, 06:30 PM
I figured it out to be super easy,

1. Make your text file with all keynotes for project Use a letter before the number to distinguish all keynotes
2. reference it in settings > keynoting
3. Copy the legend in the browser and rename to specific keynote section
4. Use filter in the properties dialog box of the legend and filter the appropriate (can be a little tricky)
5. Drag legend in the appropriate sheet.

Your Done!


2006-11-04, 02:12 AM
I'm curious, are people really creating text files per project. Why not keep adding to your main text file defined by CSI category and number by sheet. That way you will have a bundle of keynotes for use on every project. I'm inquiring because that's waht I do, maybe not the best, but if I'm missing something, it would be nice to improve.


2006-11-06, 03:38 PM
I guess now that we've figured out how to do keynoting, how do you do multiple symbol keynotes? That meaning that you change the shape of the bubble that contains the keynote number. IE circle, diamond, triangle, square ,etc, etc.


2006-11-06, 05:09 PM
I guess now that we've figured out how to do keynoting, how do you do multiple symbol keynotes? That meaning that you change the shape of the bubble that contains the keynote number. IE circle, diamond, triangle, square ,etc, etc.

Create a new keynote family, load it into your project and use the type selector to place a different annotation. We use this for scope keynotes vs. material tags.

2006-11-06, 08:48 PM
We use this for scope keynotes
What do you mean by scope keynotes? Scope as in phase or something? Just curious.


2007-09-05, 03:25 PM
I would really like to see this thread continue. Material tags vs. scope keynotes?! I have not heard the term "scope keynotes" but I believe it is what I am looking for.

I am trying to figure out how to add keynotes such as a hexagon with a number inside that refers to a legend which reads similar to "wall to be removed" etc.

I have created the hexagon keynote but I have no idea where to go from there.

2007-09-05, 04:06 PM
Sorry about the double post. I may have figured it out. I created a new section in the text file and called it "0-User Defined" w/ subsections 1-10, w/ labels. Loaded the new keynote and selected user and placed the keynote. However I did get an error upon restarting revit that said, "Duplicate key value '5.12E+04', text: 'M310x17.6'". Not sure what this means.

If anyone knows of a cleaner way to do this please let me know.


2007-09-05, 09:20 PM
I am trying to figure out how to add keynotes such as a hexagon with a number inside that refers to a legend which reads similar to "wall to be removed" etc.

Have you looked at doing this with a note block? There is an example of the kind of notes you are describing in the tutorial files, using a note block. Check the following tutorial section for information:

Documenting Your Projects>Finishing the Sheets>Using Note Blocks>Creating a Note Block

I know it is not exactly a keynote but it may be what you are looking for.

2007-09-06, 05:46 AM
I downloaded the dataset tutorial file for the note block and it does not extract. If someone else could download this and try to extract it I could narrow down where the problem lies.

2007-09-06, 04:03 PM

You are correct. I would have never drawn a parallel between keynote and note block. Sometimes revit just speaks in a different language. Thanks so much for your help.

2007-09-07, 02:12 PM
Noteblocks were the tool used for keynoting before the "official" keynoting feature was added to Revit in version 9? I believe. Glad I could help out.

2007-09-19, 05:56 PM
Well, the noteblock system is useful for what I am doing, however, it is an incredibly tedious, time consuming chore: Drop the tag, click on tag, element properties, change mark #, select text, move on to next tag. Is there not a better way?! I just wish that all you had to do was double click the tag and change the number and it would automatically select the text that corresponds with the number in the schedule.

2007-09-21, 04:03 PM
any thoughts, anyone?

2007-10-05, 04:28 PM
Well the best best workaround I can come up with is really no workaround at all. In trying to be more efficient I have been opening every "demo view" and tiling the windows across two monitors (about 15 views per project). Since all the note block related symbols are all in there proper places with the letter A in them, Its just a matter of holding ctrl and selecting every symbol that is touching a vertical grab bar (for example) and changing the symbol properties in mass. Again not really a solution. Definitely a wish list item.