View Full Version : Error: group curtain wall, instances not possible

2006-11-03, 09:34 AM

I have made a curtain wall. Now I want to group this curtain wall, because it is a repeating element and I only want to model this element 1 time.

I select the curtain wall and press group: groes fine.

Then I want to create an instance (create similar) and I get the following message: " Group instances of the same type do not contain identical members. Press "Fix Groups..." to select from options to make the groups consistent.
Corresponding group members in different group instances diverge in the following respects:
- different positions relative to the group origin"

When I press 'fix groups', revit ungroups one of the groups and the advantage of groups has gone.

Any idea to make a group of a curtain wall and being able to create real instances, ie references to the original group (loke acad blocks)?

Kind regards,

StudioDD / Ivan Ivanovski

2006-11-03, 02:43 PM
I've had issues with curtain walls in groups like this before. I found that it is happier if you copy the instances of the group instead of placing new ones.

2006-11-03, 03:11 PM
Sounds like the rules of the curtain wall are getting in the way.

2006-11-03, 03:55 PM
I've had issues with curtain walls in groups like this before. I found that it is happier if you copy the instances of the group instead of placing new ones.
I agree, try just copying the groups either in plan or elevation/section a required. Since curtain walls aren't hosted you should be able to copy and rotate as needed for other faces of the building.


2006-11-04, 07:47 AM
I agree, try just copying the groups either in plan or elevation/section a required. Since curtain walls aren't hosted you should be able to copy and rotate as needed for other faces of the building.


yes, but why grouping then, the advantage of a group has gone...!?

2006-11-04, 07:52 AM
Sounds like the rules of the curtain wall are getting in the way.

could be, but I don't understand these rules!? This is such a basic function, would be very usefull for high rise etc: modelling only one part of a facade and then copy / array. If the design changes, only change the original and the whole facade is adjusted. Let's make it work! Any help is appreciated. I have also sent this one to support.


2006-11-04, 09:14 AM
What Aaron is saying is that you still Group the curtainwall. Then select it and copy it around in any view. Is this curtainwall a type-driven one, meaning it has spacing defined within its type properties?

2006-11-04, 03:01 PM
yes, but why grouping then, the advantage of a group has gone...!?
The advantage of groups is not gone, as you will still be able to edit one and have them all change, copying a group does not create a new type of the group, only another instance of that specific group type. I did this with a curtain wall that had an arched top and it worked great. Also should work as you suggusted on highrise buildings.


2006-11-04, 09:04 PM
Generally, using groups for curtain walls can be problematic at best. I would make it a family. Then you can repeat the module around the building and if you change the module everything else will update. It would be great if groups were not so finicky, but since that is how they function at the moment, we have to work within those parameters.
Best regards,

2006-11-04, 09:06 PM
By the way, I am referring to making the curtain panel a family and using the curtain wall to organize it.
Best regards,

2007-04-03, 09:14 PM
Not sure if you're still having an issue, but this is what I've found.

It depends on if you made your curtain wall with "curtain wall 1" - no predefined grids or mullions, or if you used a curtain wall type with predefined grids and mullions i.e. "Storefront " or "Exterior Glazing".

Use curtain wall basic (or any curtain wall with no predefined grids/mullion/etc.) to create, then using groups should work fine.

2007-04-04, 04:48 PM
I had pretty good luck creating a custom panel family that included all the horizontal mullions per floor and putting that into a type controlled curtain wall for a 50 story building. The downside to this is you can't do mullion schedules for cost estimates, but that wasn't really an issue in my case. I did still create some balcony groups that contained curtain walls for the railings and one thing that helps is to make sure all the wall ends in the group are set to disallow join. I think they are reporting elements being different because they are trying to join differently in different locations. This didn't entirely solve the problem, but it took care of most of it.