View Full Version : Phasing in linked files

2003-04-30, 12:13 PM
The graphic representation of linked Revit buildings does not cvhange when you change the phase or phase filters in the 'host' file. I'm hoping I've missed something here... Anybody??

2003-04-30, 02:22 PM
I noticed the same issue. Items that were demolished still appear when the file is linked. Also, I wish I could set Levels and Grids to be hidden by default. I'm turning those off in every view.

2003-04-30, 02:34 PM
I'm seeing the same thing as well, and I agree with aj, I am always turning linked grids/levels off. It would be nice to make this behavior default.

I'm also noticing that linework in the linked doesn't always make into the hosting file.

I guess these are items for the wishlist.

2003-04-30, 02:57 PM
THAT'S it! I KNEW there was something else I wanted to post about links! :o

Surely it isn't intended that you lose all your 2D linework, room names area tags etc when you link?!?! I'm off to an Autodesk training thingamijig tomorrow and Friday - these will be on the question list!

2003-04-30, 03:47 PM
Linking models only support model objects, no annotation at the present time. Unfortunate.


2003-04-30, 03:59 PM
I meant using the linework tool, somtimes it come across, and somtimes it doesn't. But an option to link drafting stuff would nice as well.

John K.
2003-04-30, 05:50 PM
This is a pain... I was recently forced to do an about-face over this very issue. I'd convinced my boss that linking multiple [condo] units under composite buildings would save time and effort. Ultimately, there have been too many pitfalls and we are now duplicating units on every building. Not a disaster, just a space hog and some lost time backtracking...

John K.
2003-04-30, 05:54 PM
I noticed the same issue. Items that were demolished still appear when the file is linked. Also, I wish I could set Levels and Grids to be hidden by default. I'm turning those off in every view.

I think saving these settings as view templates will handle this issue. I can't test it now because I've abandoned using <<file linking>> on my current project but give it a try.

2003-04-30, 08:49 PM
:idea: There was a answer on the phase issue in the autodesk newsgroup. The only bad thing about having two places to post is that there are two places to look:

:arrow: In the Visibility/Graphics dialog (View pulldown, VG shortcut), you will see
a tab for Linked RVT Categories. On that tab select the button under Display
Settings for the file you want to reset. There, you can select any phase,
phase filter, or view range from that project to be the one used for display
in the current project. This will allow you to display 6 houses with first
floor plans in phase new regardless of their current elevation in the host
project, or the phase of the host project.

David Conant AIA
Autodesk Revit

2003-04-30, 08:52 PM
but I like it here and I am trying to get bumped up from "total newbie" :wink:

2003-05-01, 11:26 AM
Yes I saw Daivid's answer, but won't have a chance to test it on the original file until next week. Still, it's good to see that there is an answer. Now what about all the detailing...

Also, in larger linked files I often see the doors go missing. I have checked all the usual suspects, visibility graphics, view range etc, but no joy. Any thoughts, anyone?


Martin P
2003-05-01, 12:41 PM
This is a pain... I was recently forced to do an about-face over this very issue. I'd convinced my boss that linking multiple [condo] units under composite buildings would save time and effort. Ultimately, there have been too many pitfalls and we are now duplicating units on every building. Not a disaster, just a space hog and some lost time backtracking...

I've spent the last couple of days using linked filles that are mirrored to do "handed" versions of house types we have, it is Not perfect, but is far better than the pre 5.1 option! if the detail stuff - which would mean the views would have to come in too I think? - came through, I would have no problems at all. At the moment I have a Base file, and a handed file - altering my base file updates the handed file model stuff, but dimensions dont work properly, and detail stuff needs altered in both - So I still have to export parts to dwg and mirror them, which I can at least do in Revit now.

2003-05-06, 08:38 AM
The visibility/graphics dialogue does the job, I just haven't been paying attention. Ah, well... Very useful also for showing different levels in the host and linked files

2003-05-06, 10:44 PM
:oops: How embarrasing to have thought this feature was overlooked. It was probably mentioned in some new features guide I failed to read. Will I ever find the time to fully explore the program?
I also tried linked files to populate a site with handed versions of units in a condominium-type structure. It works for preliminary design, but I've realized that I'll have to model the entire structure eventually.