View Full Version : Pickbox picking in the wrong place

2004-06-23, 03:26 PM
Here's a weird one for everyone. First off, We're running 2002 LDD.

The problem occurs when you try to use a crossing window to select something. The window will start about a 1/4 inch (on the screen) north of where you pick on the screen to begin the bounding box. The selection still works but it doesn't start the selection where you want it to. You can pick just below an object, within the mysterious 1/4 inch, but not touch the object and it highlights as if the cursor was placed right on top of it. Here's the weird part. When you go into paperspace and click inside of any viewport, the problem completely goes away but as soon as you enter modelspace again, it's back. No osnaps are set, we're clicking on random, common objects, and the pickbox is a normal size.

Oh yeah, when you exit AutoCAD and get back in the problems stops....... for about 5 minutes..... and then starts up again. It's also present in every drawing that we open.


2004-06-23, 03:39 PM
Have you tried doing a regen when the problem starts?

2004-06-23, 03:50 PM
You're probably thinking about the display of circles and arcs and such but regening still doesn't work. We thought it might be the display driver or have something to do with the monitor but we reloaded a clean profile and it took care of the problem so far. Reloading the profile is a temporary fix though. There's gotta be something causing this.

2004-06-23, 06:18 PM
We thought it might be the display driver or have something to do with the monitor but we reloaded a clean profile and it took care of the problem so far. Reloading the profile is a temporary fix though. There's gotta be something causing this.Hi

"Clean Profile" -> Do you mean a "Users" Windows Profile or an AutoCAD Profile?

Have a good one, Mike

2004-06-23, 07:03 PM
By clean profile I mean the Land Desktop ARG file right outta the box. Our AutoCAD seems to get the most outrageously weird errors all the time and the only way to fix them is to reload a clean ARG file. By clean I mean simply one that works and restores the errors to normal again.

2004-06-24, 08:54 AM

If the "Clean Profile" ARG file is resolving the problem I suggest you compare the contents of the "Clean Profile" ARG file and the "Bad Profile"; look for differences between the two; then look closely at those differences to see if you can pinpoint the problem.

Have a good one, Mike

2004-06-24, 01:35 PM
We don't really have a "bad profile" to compare it to. Once the "clean profile" is loaded the problem stops for about a day or two and then comes back. If we then load the "clean profile" again, problem solved again for about a day or two. Does the profile change or something while autocad runs? If we save the current profile while the problem is occuring I guess we could then compare THAT "bad profile" to the clean one.

2004-06-24, 01:46 PM
Does the profile change or something while autocad runs? If we save the current profile while the problem is occuring I guess we could then compare THAT "bad profile" to the clean one.

Simple answer yes.

As changes are made within the Options Dialog Box, system variables altered, commands that effect system variables etc these and other things can have an effect on the current AutoCAD profile.

I would do what you suggest, export/save the current AutoCAD profile (ARG) when the problem appears then....

Have a good one, Mike