View Full Version : Schedules, global parameters and other questions

2006-11-06, 05:10 PM
I have two questions on schedules.

1: Is it possible to have a schedule wide variable that is used in formulas? I imagine a schedule of floor areas, with a field in which you type in a "Usable ratio", say .85, and all the areas are multiplied by 85%. Change the Usable ratio field to .9 and all the areas update. And I would prefer the value not to be a project parameter or anything, because I might use different values in different schedules. I want it to be an input value on the specific schedule, and the schedule plays spreadsheet and multiplies by A1.

2: Is it possible to limit a schedule to contents within a scope box? As in the above areas schedule, where you have two towers, two scope boxes, and two schedules that each schedule just one tower?

Thanks all,

2006-11-07, 02:24 PM
1. You can create a shared project parameter tied to floors, & use it in a calculated value formula in your schedule. The value will can be unique (and changeable) for each floor in the project.

I don't think you can do it by scope box, but you can filter the schedule by any parameter that's used as a field, including shared project parameters that you create just for filtering.

2006-11-07, 04:25 PM
1. In the Schedule Properties, there is a "Calculated Value..." tool button. You could use this to create a new column "Usable ratio". (For the type, select "Area" and in the Formula field enter "Area * 0.85". This achieves your requirements without adding any parameter. To create another Schedule with a different ratio, you have to just duplicate the schedule and change the formula ("Area * 0.7")

2. Not with a scope box, but there are so many workarounds. You could name your areas with a prefix "1-" for the tower 1 areas and you could sort based on the "name" and "begins with" option.


2006-11-09, 04:06 PM
I have a similar question regarding formulas in schedules...

I have a room schedule for my Life Safety Plan. I have already created parameters for the types of occupancy (storage, unconcentrated assembly, office, etc.).

Now, I want to create a formula that takes the square footage of the room and divides it by the appropriate number so I can figure out the occupant load. For example, assign 1 person per 100 sqft for office, 1 to 15 for unconcentrated assembly, 1 to 300 for storage, etc.

Anyone have any experience in this? Ideas?


2006-11-09, 06:18 PM
One method:

You could set up a project parameter tied to rooms, called say Ft per Occ, whose type is area.

Then within the room schedule, set up a calculated value as an integer, whose formula would be:

Area/Ft per Occ - .5

Subtracting .5 from the result will truncate the result, rather than rounding it to form the integer.

Once you plugged in values in the Ft per Occ field column, the occupant load would appear.