View Full Version : Curtain wall problems

Martin P
2003-06-18, 12:31 PM
Curtain wall problems I have found, and would like fixed.....

A custom curtain wall panel created using the family "Curtain Wall Panel.rft" will always be recognized by Revit as door!! - which sometimes they are, but not always..... I use the curtain wall function to create screens made from window components, I use the panels as the windows - and the "mullions" as packer pieces, it works REALLY well, apart from the windows scheduling as doors!

Curved curtain wall, vertical and horizontal grids. add "L" corner mullions vertically. Remove part of Horizontal grid line - some of the corner mullions display the opposite way round that they are meant to?? Custom panles refuse to work, as they cant from correct shap due to mullions pointing different ways - ie some are "pointing towards centre - some are pointing away........ havent tried with any other mullions yet.

David Conant
2003-06-18, 02:06 PM
Curtain panels should not think they are doors unless you have accidentally used the template Door - Curtain Wall.rfa instead of Curtain Wall Panel.rfa. Be sure you have the correct copies of each. If you build a new panel family using the Curtain Wall Panel template and it still thinks it is a door, contact Revit support.
To create a curtain wall panel that thinks it is a window, use Window - Curtain Wall.rfa

Martin P
2003-06-18, 02:15 PM
Curtain panels should not think they are doors unless you have accidentally used the template Door - Curtain Wall.rfa instead of Curtain Wall Panel.rfa. Be sure you have the correct copies of each. If you build a new panel family using the Curtain Wall Panel template and it still thinks it is a door, contact Revit support.
To create a curtain wall panel that thinks it is a window, use Window - Curtain Wall.rfa

Never noticed that before!! I only ever used the "curtain panel" family - didnt realise there was a window/door one. Thank you! I will do that now.

ZOOG - can you take this off the wishlist please!!

Q here...we'll move er over to General...so someone else can run across it perhaps...

2003-09-17, 09:54 PM
OK heres another Curtain Wall problem.

I've created some custom panels by using the inplace family editor as the panels are not rectangular. Everything was prceeding as planned until I zoomed out and noticed that some panels are being created in mid air!
Just to make sure, I upgraded to Build 20030716_1400 and recreated the panels, same result... Any suggestions as to where I'm going wrong?


2003-09-17, 10:26 PM
If the panels were created as extrusions, the start and finish levels may have been incorrect.

To adjust, select a panel, edit family (in-place), extrusion properties, change extrusion start and finish levels.

2003-09-18, 02:24 AM
Thanks for the advice beegee. The panels are extrusions, but even if I edit the system panel changing only the material (to glass) I am still getting the same problem. I was thinking about making a new panel family that has a variable angle for the top edge. Do you think that may be the answer?

2003-09-18, 03:09 AM
Looking at your graphic again, two panels with angled tops are shifted in the x/y axis, while one is correct.

Check the properties of the correct one and compare/contrast with the other two.

If nothing comes of that, try just editing and moving the sketch of the panels to the correct location.

If that doesn't work, try your variable angle top edge.

If that doesn't work, give the computer a kick and go home. ( No, don't ... just joking )

2003-09-29, 04:23 AM
I did 'all of the above' and luckily the Project Architect changed his mind. This means that I no longer have the problem...Until the Client decides otherwise. Although it's not an issue now, I'm still bugged be the fact that I couldn't get it to work in the first place and my reseller hasn't been able to work out a satisfactory answer either. I don't like it when things do not work as they should and I can't find an acceptable workround. Attached is part of the model, if you have time, see what you think.


2003-10-01, 03:48 AM
The GODS Speak...or at least Revit support does.

And I feel a complete ****

Don't edit panel in place, just create a copy of the system panel... EDIT NEW DUPLICATE. Exaclty the same as everything else in REVIT.

Someone please wipe the spit off my chin, change my clothes and put me to bed! I need a break!!

Anyway thanks to AutoDESK for pointing out MY errors. I'll not do that again

2003-10-01, 06:00 AM

I have a panel with a variable angled head. If you still need it you are welcome to it, though it will probably just act as a template that you tweak to your own needs. Let me know.

2003-10-01, 08:51 PM
Thanks, it would be great to see how you managed it. I've struggled with that and came up blank


2003-10-01, 09:36 PM
when i'm back in the office.........................