View Full Version : New component on demolished wall

2006-11-07, 08:01 AM
I have a wall in a phase which displays as demolished. When I place a new component, in this case a WC, in the same place the wall still blanks part of it out. Can I get the component to display properly?

2006-11-07, 12:42 PM
It sounds like a phase filter issue.

If you're trying to get a New Work plan, then change the phase filter (Under View Properties) to 'Show Previous and New'. Then the demo work should not appear.

John Tobin

2006-11-07, 12:49 PM
Here's two methods.

Change from a hidden line to a wireframe view.

If the wireframe view adversly effects the display other objects within the view, place a plan region around the WC and drop the cut plane down to say, 1' so the fixture itself is cut. Then it will show.

2006-11-07, 02:52 PM
Briliant. The plan region with a different view range did the job! Plan regions might even solve a problem I am having with staircases in plan view callouts on sheets?! (to be confirmed...)

I want to display both the demolished wall and the new WC so changing the phase filters would not have worked, but thanks none the less.