View Full Version : Formula in Schedule

2006-11-08, 01:11 AM
Has anyone figured out how to work a Count into a formula when putting together a schedule?
I am tracking Apartment Types from my Area Plans. Say I have five 2-bedroom apartments (not all the same square footage) and I want to put the Average Area in the schedule. Ideally I'd simply divide the total Area by the Count to get the Average Area, but the Count does not like to be a part of a formula.

Has anyone figured out a way around this?

Mike Hardy-Brown
2006-11-08, 06:39 AM
here is a stab at it....(bit of a work around though)

In your schedule add the 'Count' parameter. Select totals of 'Count'.
I created a number parameter (called 'manual count') you will have to input the data manually. you get the manual count data from the total of 'Count'.

Add a new calculated value of (Area / manual count) add totals to this.
The total of 'manual count' works out to the average area of all the rooms.
I also changed the field format to have 2 decimal places just to get a more precise average.

The other option would be to export the schedule to Excel and do it there.

I am busy having a look at using % of area in a formula which may work??????

2006-11-09, 01:28 AM
Thanks Mike. I guess I'll do it in Excel.
Area calculations, and more specifically, average area calculations is such a basic part of planning. I am very surprised Revit has such a formula limitation. To further my disappointment, you can not bring an excel file back into Revit so I need to create a jpg to place this image!

Such a basic formula... Area / Count = Average Area. Is that really too much to ask?!