View Full Version : Phasing of Linked Files

2006-11-08, 01:49 AM
This is a carry over from a conversation started earlier but I thought it would be good to restate my issue just in case it's different enough to allow it to work.

We're working on a campus master plan that will entail the demolition and renovation of existing buildings and new construction done at various times.

I began by creating each of the existing buildings as masses in separate files and linked them together to create the beginnings of the master plan. I had hoped to be able to select the linked files and define when the building was created, demolished, etc. but that's not an option. In the linked files I placed the mass in the existing phase and demolished it in the new phase thinking that I would be able to choose which phase to display in the host view.

So far, so good. In the host file I am able to set each of the existing building to either existing or new and am able to use phase filters to show the linked file as demolished as necessary.

The problem I'm having is that I'd like each of the various phase display overrides (existing, demolished and new in this case) to show their respective materiality.

On some of them I can get it to work. Namely when I indicate a linked file as "new" and use phase filters to show it as demolished the material shows up but in every other case it seems to revert back to the host file default for the object.

I suppose I could almost get away with not using phases at all since I should be able to control the visibility and material of the linked file in the visibility graphics of the view...
