View Full Version : Unable to add a Tool Palette to a group

2006-11-08, 02:22 PM
I have been trying to add a tool palette to to a group. I already have several palettes in this group but when I add a new one it will not allow me to add tools to the palette. I can cut and paste them to the palette but it will not allow me to drag and drop them to the palette. Also as soon as I close Auto Cad and reopen it the new palette I just made is gone. Can anyone Help?

johan d
2006-11-08, 03:58 PM
The toolpalette-folder is read only?

2006-11-10, 02:20 PM
the tool palette is not in read only

2006-11-11, 08:47 AM

Also as soon as I close Auto Cad and reopen it the new palette I just made is gone.Hi

That is pointing toward a directory / folder permission issue...


When AutoCAD is restarted it is loading the Tool Palettes from a different location...



Have a good one, Mike