View Full Version : Temporary dimension loses control of object

2006-11-08, 05:20 PM
Any ideas why a temporary dimension loses control over an object? I have verified there are no locked constraints on the object otherwise...

2006-11-08, 09:11 PM
Dear Peter;
Could you be a little more specific? Are you saying that when you click on the object there are not temporary dimensions or....
You question is a little unclear.

2006-11-08, 10:11 PM
Temp dimensions show up, allow you to type the new dimension, but the object refuses to move. It is happening to not just one object, but several, and I am positive they are unconstrained.

2006-11-08, 10:53 PM
It happens to me too, I have no idea why..

2006-11-08, 11:20 PM
maybe the objects are pinned

2006-11-09, 02:47 PM
They are not pinned. It's funny...just a few doors--hosted by different walls--in my plan that refuse to move.


2006-11-09, 04:40 PM
Can you upload an example file?

2006-11-09, 04:56 PM
Have you verified that there are no "invisible" constraints as well? Sometimes Revit likes to constrain things to other things and not tell you. These also won't show up graphically as constraints anywhere. I usually use the move tool in these cases and select "unconstrain" in the options bar and that has always solved the problem for me. When in sketch mode this happens too sometimes with a wall profile in particular. In these cases I cheat and just drag the line to some ridiculous place I don't want it. The mouse will have the no-smoking sign but when you let go the line moves there anyway and it breaks these unseen constraints. Then, I just align it or use the temp. dimensions.

I also came across this trick a few days ago here:

"Those unseen constraints are called Automatic Sketch Dimensions and they are off in views by default but you can turn them on...visibility graphics > Annotation Tab. As soon as you add a constraint to a family Revit starts constraining the things you didn't with Automatic Sketch Dimensions."

It was specific to family editing so I don't know it this same thing works in a project as I have found faster ways to deal with it there.

Best of luck!


2006-11-09, 06:59 PM
I have found starting in 9.0 that if a wall is locked the temporary dimensions of an object to this wall behave this way. I like to align and lock my exterior walls to a grid, but as long as they are locked you can't use the temporary dimensions associated with that wall to move obects. The dimension accepts editing, but when you hit enter nothing moves and it reverts back to its original number.

J.C. Menzel