View Full Version : Land Desktop 2004 to AutoCAD Lt 98

2004-06-23, 09:00 PM
Our engineer has Land Desktop 2004 and I have Map 2004. We recently have hired a college intern for the summer and we had a copy of AutoCAD Lt 98 that we installed on the computer he is using. We have tried saving our .dwg files in every format we can use in the save as command. We have even tried saving as a .dxf file in R12 format and nothing will open up in AutoCAD Lt 98. Does anyone have any suggustions?

Joan Appell

2004-06-24, 12:20 PM
Do you have the batch drawing converter installed (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=4091668&linkID=2475161)? If you do, you can save as R14 and that should open in LT98.

2004-06-24, 04:03 PM
Thank you, I installed it and we are now up and running.

Have a nice day
