View Full Version : What Happened to my Dimensions!??

2006-11-09, 04:21 PM
On the final stage of the drawing (printing and sending) every dimension on the drawing dissapeared without a trace. The only logical guess we can come up with is that when working in a callout window, I selected all the dimensions in the CALLOUT by using select all instances and deleted them instead of individual clicking. Is revit choosing all instances in the project or all instances in the current window. If its 'A' I will be wanting to choke the programmer that thought that one up, because right now this sucks. Has anyone come accross this problem before.


2006-11-09, 04:32 PM
Select All Instances is project-wide, even for annotation elements.

It has been requested before to have a Select All Instaces In View command also. Make noise about it in the wish list forum, because we really need both.

2006-11-09, 04:41 PM
Also, you have to be very careful how you use the rubber band selection tool, esp. when pulling it from left to right. It is possible in many views to select things that are not even visible, and accidentally delete them as well. I am constantly reviewing the filter feature to see exactly what I have selected.

And yes, elements that are view specific should be the only elements that are active.

2006-11-09, 04:56 PM
Iguess you could look at this either way ..

It does say " select ALL instances"

it doesn't say " select all instances in the entire project" or " select all instances in current view"

I say we go back to pencils and paper !

2006-11-09, 05:17 PM
To select all instances of an object in a particular view. First, select all instances (as noted this is across the project.) Isolate object. De-select objects (click off). Window the objects in the current view.

Of course the filter tool is the tool to use for selecting a category of objects.