View Full Version : Flip label causes insert points for the move and stretch actions to misbehave

2006-11-09, 06:31 PM
Ever since ATP 143 I have been on a tear, trying to recreate our standard block library into something "intelligent and dynamic". Description of block, Sanitary MH for profile, with all necessary labels, also ready to be linked to a table via fields. So here's my problem. I will make it quick and easy, There is a label for the Elevation of the rim which I would to stretch move, or flip as necessary to fit into a profile (top most label). I can stretch the label and move it great, but once I flip it to the other side, (if needed) the insert points for the move and stretch are all screwed up. How can this be fixed? The block isn't completely finished, this has really bothered me, and I am unable to move further with the block until I resolve this.

2006-11-09, 07:02 PM
Ever since ATP 143 I have been on a tear, trying to recreate our standard block library into something "intelligent and dynamic". Description of block, Sanitary MH for profile, with all necessary labels, also ready to be linked to a table via fields. So here's my problem. I will make it quick and easy, There is a label for the Elevation of the rim which I would to stretch move, or flip as necessary to fit into a profile (top most label). I can stretch the label and move it great, but once I flip it to the other side, (if needed) the insert points for the move and stretch are all screwed up. How can this be fixed? The block isn't completely finished, this has really bothered me, and I am unable to move further with the block until I resolve this.to start, what's with the 'xy' parameter? get rid of that and re-evaluate the block. your 'point' node was under the 'xy' parameter, and i don't understand what the intent is. remember to NOT include the actions (icons) under the actions (selection) of another as a general rule of thumb. take another look at that area, and include more linework with the flip action, and see what you find. post if needed for more feedback.

sorry, at the mo, it's all i can spare to review it.

2006-11-09, 08:03 PM
to start, what's with the 'xy' parameter? get rid of that and re-evaluate the block. your 'point' node was under the 'xy' parameter, and i don't understand what the intent is. remember to NOT include the actions (icons) under the actions (selection) of another as a general rule of thumb. take another look at that area, and include more linework with the flip action, and see what you find. post if needed for more feedback.

sorry, at the mo, it's all i can spare to review it.

I think I may have it, but not quite sure, once I flip the label, the grip isn't on the intersection of those two lines, not a huge deal, but is there a way to constrain the grip to that intersection?? Also revised drawing included.

2006-11-09, 10:23 PM
I think I may have it, but not quite sure, once I flip the label, the grip isn't on the intersection of those two lines, not a huge deal, but is there a way to constrain the grip to that intersection?? Also revised drawing included.
Check your block's origin or the block's FLIP origin. If it's not centered, the flip will turn out wonky.

2006-11-09, 11:04 PM
Just move the "position1" parameter to its own action grip and be sure it is included in the flip action

2006-11-10, 12:53 PM
Thanks guys for the support, it helped out a lot, and I now understand better. I hope one day to understand these as well as you all do, so I can help others like myself. Keep up the good work!!! I will post my finished block when I am done.

2006-11-10, 06:21 PM
Going forward with my block, I have now added a move by increment to move the base from the MH... is there a way to display the values of the list of distances at each line, rather than seeing just lines when you grip edit the block??? Just trying to make it the easiest possible for my end users.

2006-11-10, 06:34 PM
Going forward with my block, I have now added a move by increment to move the base from the MH... is there a way to display the values of the list of distances at each line, rather than seeing just lines when you grip edit the block??? Just trying to make it the easiest possible for my end users.
You could add a lookup ... otherwise, I don't think you can show values for that.not that I know of anyway. I might be wrong there.

2006-11-10, 09:21 PM
You could add a lookup ... otherwise, I don't think you can show values for that.not that I know of anyway. I might be wrong there.

Genius, absolutely genius. Thanks again, I am sure I will have a question again though I must warn, since this is my first crack at a technical DB.

2006-11-10, 09:42 PM
If dynamic input is turned on........

2006-11-10, 09:51 PM
Thanks again, I am sure I will have a question again though I must warn, since this is my first crack at a technical DB.
If you wanted to make things even easier you could use an associative dimension (with extension lines turned off) and connect it to the move. You could also add a field ......

or as andy said, if it's simply to see where to expand the block to, you could simply turn on your Dynamic Input ....

2006-11-10, 10:03 PM
I will keep those techniques in mind for other blocks, the lookup works great for this particular DB because of the assemblage of other DB's, and the menus are the exact same, which is great for our end users.