View Full Version : Revit 8.1 download link

Les Therrien
2006-11-10, 08:36 PM
I need to install Revit 8.1 Build 20060124_2200 onto a new computer.

Does ayone know where I can find the link for this?

It's pretty important as most of my large files won't update with 9.1

2006-11-10, 08:54 PM
Large files won't update? That doesn't sound good - is it a common problem? I have some files that wouldn't load in 9 with a message to contact the software vendor but i related this to a hard disk crashed i recently had.


Les Therrien
2006-11-10, 09:00 PM
Thanks a million for the link!!!
The files not updating with Revit 9.1 might have something to with my computer.
I'm currently setting up a new one.
I will try some updating again to see what happens.

2006-11-10, 09:27 PM
Glad i could help. Good luck with the files and please let me know about the results.


Les Therrien
2006-11-11, 01:51 AM
It was my older system that was the culprit!!!
Even though it has dual xeons and 2 gigs or Ram, it just didn't have the capacity I suppose.
The new system ate it up quickly!!! All is updated. Thanks for the help!