View Full Version : Shortcut for Rightclick "Hide Annotation in View"?

2006-11-12, 11:02 PM
Hi guys
doing alot of Rightclick "Hide Annotation in View", and want to know if there is a shortcut to this? so i can select a whole lot of stuff and then do the command?

Dwane Stairmand

Adam Mac
2006-11-13, 12:24 AM
Hi Dwane,

I assume you know about the "view graphics" (VG) dialogue box?
Most things can be turned on or off in one go from there.
Not sure if that answers your question?


2006-11-13, 12:28 AM
I don't think it does...he' trying to turn off visibility of certain instances of elevation or section tags or gridlines....no there's no shortcut unfortunately. You have to do them one by one. This has been brought up several times and I'm sure it's on the wishlist.

2006-11-13, 01:21 AM
Can someone explain the relationship between Scope boxes and section/elevation annotation?

2006-11-13, 02:23 AM
Can someone explain the relationship between Scope boxes and section/elevation annotation?
It's as simple as if a section or elevation is set to a scope box, i.e. scope box "A", the crop region of the section or elevation will match scope box "A" crop region. So nothing directly related to the annotation...just the crop region....but grids retain the visibility as well...so grid in scope box A will not show up in a scope box B view...

Did I help?

2006-11-13, 03:01 PM
Hi guys
doing alot of Rightclick "Hide Annotation in View", and want to know if there is a shortcut to this? so i can select a whole lot of stuff and then do the command?

Dwane Stairmand
Try clicking something and typing VH (that will hide the category of the object selected, an action parallel to Hide Annotation in View). If you want to hide more than one category, highlight the objects and then type VH. It's an easy way to turn off the visibility of a category (functions identically to typing VV or VG and then finding the category and then clicking off the checkbox, which is a lot slower).

Buena Suerte,

2006-11-13, 05:00 PM
Try clicking something and typing VH (that will hide the category of the object selected, an action parallel to Hide Annotation in View).
Buena Suerte,

That's a great tip, but it hides the whole category, not just a selection of instances.


2006-11-13, 07:42 PM
That's a great tip, but it hides the whole category, not just a selection of instances.

I am sad because you are right. I was excited because I had an easy fix, but alas, the easy fix is really not an easy fix and therefore I am sad.
Does this mean that a wish list item would be to be able to Hide Multiple Annotation(s) in View?

The only other option I could think of (if you wanted to turn off multiple Section Markers at the same time) is:
Highlight just the ones you want to turn off. Then, go to properties and choose Hide at Scales Coarser Than. Set the scale to something higher than the actual scale of the drawing. This does not work for things such as Elevation Markers, but would be a way to turn of a whole bunch of Section Markers at the same time.

2006-11-13, 08:23 PM
I know it's not much faster, but you can hit H once you've done the right-click to immediately Hide In This View.

2006-11-14, 08:50 AM
It seems to me that in Revit you can do almost anything...slowly. Everything has a workaround and is on a wishlist somewhere. The time it takes to switch off a category by entering the vg dialogue box and scrolling around is ridiculous (but thanks for the tip, s.messing. It will definitely help!) Switching off certain objects in a category is equally slow. (Is there perhaps a way of getting them back without trying to locate the invisible line on plan?) I think one should be able to create custom subcategories for everything.

2006-11-14, 03:33 PM
It seems to me that in Revit you can do almost anything...slowly. Everything has a workaround and is on a wishlist somewhere. The time it takes to switch off a category by entering the vg dialogue box and scrolling around is ridiculous (but thanks for the tip, s.messing. It will definitely help!) Switching off certain objects in a category is equally slow. (Is there perhaps a way of getting them back without trying to locate the invisible line on plan?) I think one should be able to create custom subcategories for everything.

Have you looked at view templates?

2006-11-15, 07:27 AM
Do you mean with view templates you are able to hide any number of specific section lines in a whole series of views?
(Just some unwarranted frustration Yesterday - its much much better than I gave it credit for there-:))