2006-11-14, 07:57 PM
I have an existing foundation wall that does not want to join successfully. It is affecting the footing join below as well. I have attached the settings of each existing wall adjacent and involved in the join. What could be the problem?

Thanks as always in advance for your help. I have already spent over 1 hour on this join and felt that I could do better asking the group.

2006-11-14, 08:12 PM
When I have wall join problems I will extend one wall past another a good distance and trim them back together. This usually works pretty well and fixes most of the problems. I am not sure if this same method will work on foundation walls with footings, but this is the only method I am aware of except for fighting with the wall grips.

2006-11-14, 08:23 PM

I pulled the short wall (going up and down) well beyond the wall going (side to side) and then used the trim command as well as pulling the long wall (side to side) well beyond the short wall (going up and down) and then used the trim command. In both instances, I get the same poor result. Thanks for the quick response but that did not seem to solve it.

Any other thoughts?

2006-11-14, 08:56 PM
I never use the footing tools. I use a wall type on a separate level nad voerlay them on the sheet.
That has always works perfectly with no glitch at all

2006-11-14, 09:21 PM

I copied the view and then modified the view settings to show demo'd items and found that I had an old foundation wall that wanted to interfere with the wall merge of the foundation wall that was to remain. I had forgotten about that wall. However, why Revit lets a wall section that is demo'd monkey with the intersection of all wall that will remain is beyond me.

To make the intersection look as it should I did not let the walls join with each other. And then I used the linework tool to eliminate the linework that I did not want to see. Then I used detail lines to trace the foundation wall and footing that I will be demo'd and then copied those lines and paste aligned those lines to the new construction view that you all saw earlier.

I have attached the final faked product with linework tool and the blowup of the actual walls not merging with thin line settings on.

Thanks for your help Dan and Jason.

2006-11-14, 09:29 PM
Here's how we do it.