View Full Version : Edge at cut-out wall does not show up

2006-11-14, 09:16 PM
In my current project I have to put an opening in an existing wall [no door].

I've drawn a wall and set it to Existing, then edited the profile to show the opening. Then I drew a second wall in this opening and applied the Demo tool on it, because I want it to show as demo work in my plans.

The only thing that is not showing correctly are the short edges of the wall at the opening. Drawing a line where the edge should be does not work either, it's hidden by the demo wall [??] and obviously this would be a Neanderthal approach to getting the edges to show. Please see the attached jpgs.

Thanks for your help,

2006-11-16, 12:46 AM
Is your detail level set at coarse? I know this happens when your detail level is set at coarse, try changing your detail level to medium and see if that works. If you want to keep your detail level at coarse or if that doesn't work, you can also select the demo wall, right click on the blue grips and select disallow join. This should create a hard break between the two walls.