View Full Version : Shared Parameter Files

2006-11-14, 09:32 PM

We found out about Shared Parameters and started making our own Shared Parameter files without realizing that only one file could be used. So now we have several files that represent certain people's attempts at developing parameters for different areas. So, for instance, one focuses on doors, another on titleblock information, etc... Is there any tool to merge different files into one, or am I going to have to open a text editor and do it manually and hope I don't screw anything up?


2006-11-15, 04:57 PM
They are simple TXT files which you can open with your Windows Notepad. However, as you will notice, it says "DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY" at the top of that file. My recommendation (although I will easily ignore warnings like that myself) is to establish a new, clean shared parameters file for your office. This will allow you to (unfortunately manually) enter only those parameters people created which made sense or work properly. In our office only one person edits the shared parameters file so as to prevent a messy end result.

2006-11-15, 05:41 PM
I've confirmed with support that multiple shared param files can be merged. You can also edit grouping and sorting. Just don't go messing with the GUID and keep the format as it is in the existing.

...of course make a backup before you do your manual editing.

2006-11-15, 08:11 PM
I've confirmed with support that multiple shared param files can be merged. You can also edit grouping and sorting. Just don't go messing with the GUID and keep the format as it is in the existing.

...of course make a backup before you do your manual editing.

That's fantastic, but once again I'm left asking "How" By opening my text editor and copy - pasting?

In response to the first reply, we're still very early in our development and don't have very large parameter files at all, and almost no extra/unused stuff. The parameter files I want to merge have no overlapping groups either, so the copy-paste technique isn't the end of the world in any case.

However, like with many of the features in Revit from Levels to Reference Planes, etc... there is not really any integrated way to manage these things. (levels and ref planes were out of left field I know, other posts) I don't know if hardly anyone has these problems at this point because of a small user base, but being able to merge parameter files within the program with some simple interference checks would be a nifty feature to add. Especially once offices using revit start merging or co-operating on projects, etc...

Anyway, it looks like I'll be using notepad yet again.


2006-11-15, 08:19 PM
Notepad and copy paste. Pretty low tech.

Note that once the objects are in your project - the param file is not needed any more. It is simply a tool to coordinate information between families and tags on load. That's all.

So you won't really run into this working with other offices as the families will already be loaded.

You also can use more than one shared param file. If the wrong one is current, then Revit will say "Hey, I can't find that... Show me, please." and you can pick the correct file."

2006-11-15, 10:15 PM
Good info to know. Thanks.

I have an additional question for you. As I'm going through here I'm trying to find a way to make info in parameters something you can tag. Is this possible? To clarify:

Our firm usually has a Door Type Legend and a Frame Type Legend. Is there a way to have a parameter for a "Door Type" that can be tagged in a legend view? What kind of parameter does it have to be? Text? Integer? Etc... (We traditionally use alpha-numeric designations. eg. D20) It would be nice to type that in to a door parameter and have that show up in tags on door legends. Ditto with frames. I can't seem to make it happen though. I know using "family type" should work, but I don't want to tie it to making family types as that isn't an ideal use for us in this scenario.

Thanks again.