View Full Version : Wall join problem - curtain wall & gyp bd partition.

2006-11-14, 10:40 PM
I have a particular problem with a wall join condition on my current project. I have an interior gyp bd. wall intersectiong with an exterior curtain wall. I want the gyp. bd. partition to butt up against the inside face of the curtain wall mullion. But the gyp. bd. wall joins to the curtain wall center line, not the mullion.


2006-11-15, 09:47 PM
Mine seems to work without any difficulty. I am using release 9.1.

2008-05-23, 10:17 PM
Although this is an old thread I was able to graphically address this problem by spliting the gyp bd. wall at the face of the curtain wall frame. Then by using the hide element function you can get rid of the offending portion of the wall that wants to bury itself inside the curtain wall frame.