View Full Version : Wall Style Stays Standard

2004-06-24, 03:42 PM

Using the Tool Pallette for drawing walls, I selected a Wall Tool with the proper characteristics (say 3.5" Stud w/ 5/8" sheetrock on each side which I i-dropped from the Content Browser carefully following the instructions in the Help files), but when the Properties Box comes up it shows the Style as Standard and draws it that way. If I try to change it in the properties box, the Wall Style does not appear in the list.

What am I doing wrong?


Jim Cronburg

2004-06-24, 03:55 PM

I found the answer to my own question. I need to establish a new Wall Style as well as a Wall Tool. I thought the Wall Tool was a new name for Wall Style. Makes no sense to me. Nor does the way the instructions are written.

Jim Cronburg

2004-06-24, 05:48 PM
From where did you get the tool you originally i-dropped? Was it an out-of-the-box tool or one you created? If the former, did you move any of the out-of-the-box source files after you installed ADT? A tool needs to be able to find the source file from which it was created in order to pull the style into a drawing that does not have the style already defined.

If it was a tool that you created, did you save the file from which the tool was created, after defining the style? If the file is not saved at the time you try to create a tool, a generic tool, using the "Standard" style is created.

FWIW, in ADT2004, I was able to i-drop a tool for a stud wall style from the Architectural Desktop Design Tool Catalog - Imperial directly into a new file [NOT onto a palette] that did not have that wall style defined and draw walls with that style.

2004-06-24, 06:11 PM
Yup...David is onto something here. The usual culprit is a bad path to the "Styles" folder location.


2004-06-25, 01:12 AM
Actually, one common error is not to enable the Style Override. You do not necessarily have to create a new tool.