View Full Version : Un-hide annotation in view

2006-11-15, 02:16 AM
I have hidden elevation markers by 'hide annotation in view'. I now want to make them visible.

Can anyone tell me how to this.

Thought the answer might be in Visibility Graphics but if it is it is escaping me.


2006-11-15, 02:20 AM
I have hidden elevation markers by 'hide annotation in view'. I now want to make them visible.

Can anyone tell me how to this.

Thought the answer might be in Visibility Graphics but if it is it is escaping me.

You need to hover around the area where the elevation marker was located, when you see it highlight, right mouse click and hit "Show Annotation in View"

2006-11-15, 02:21 AM
If you mouse over where the annotation is, it will highlight, you can then right-click and choose "Show Annotation in View". If you don't know where it is, right click on the elevation in the Project Browser and choose "Find Referencing Views" and select the view in which the elevation marker is hidden. The view will become active and the annotation will be selected.

2006-11-15, 02:48 AM
My problem is I can't find the annotation by hovering the mouse over it. It seems I have hovered the mouse everywhere except for where I need to.

The method of selecting the view ie. East Elevation, right clicking and finding refering views doesn't show the plan with the hidden elevation markers. It is something i did not know prior to you mentioning it - thanks.

I am wondering if it is because some of the Floor Plans are duplicated that I am in this pickle.

Chad Smith
2006-11-15, 03:46 AM
It can be a bit of a pain to find these hidden objects. We really need a button on the View Control Bar to toggle hidden objects so that they can be found.

2006-11-15, 04:03 AM
Yes. This seems to be one of those nuisance things that really should have been nailed down by now..... waiting for Revit 10.


2006-11-15, 08:00 AM
Have you tried to uncheck the Crop Region Extents of your view ?
Zoom to Fit > Pick one of the visible elevation markers > Properties > Select All Instances.

2006-11-15, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. It is good how well meaning advice leads you somewhere.

It seems it was related to crop region.

I checked the show crop region button, moved the crop region slightly and all of the elevation markers appeared one by one. The odd thing is they were all within the crop region before I grabbed a grip and moved it.

I also now notice that the Floor Plan in question now appears in the list of find referring views as mentioned earlier.
