View Full Version : Time it takes to print shaded views

2006-11-15, 11:26 PM
Just curious what other peoples' experiences are related to the time it takes to print anything shaded - for me, it takes an average of 10 minutes.

Chad Smith
2006-11-16, 12:11 AM
My experience is that it really depends on how many shaded views are on the sheet and to which printer I am printing.
Obviously the more views the longer, but I also find it takes about 1.5 times longer to print to a PDF.

My printing times range from about 10mins up to 30mins.

2006-11-16, 12:14 AM
My experience is that it really depends on how many shaded views are on the sheet and to which printer I am printing.
Obviously the more views the longer, but I also find it takes about 1.5 times longer to print to a PDF.

My printing times range from about 10mins up to 30mins.

Printing to a PostScript printer takes longer too, but the shading usually looks better. Can you say multi threaded? We keep running into situations where Revit really could make use of that second processor, not to mention the extra ram of a 64 bit system. I think the writing is on the wall.


2006-11-16, 12:30 AM
I just find it ridiculous that

1) I have to create a shaded view with a sun altitude of 90 to get the colors to turn out the way I want them to using shading with edges


2) To print it out just to take a look at it takes an extra 10 mintues.

So not is it really slow and clunky just to open a shaded view (and I am working on a very new, quite decent machine), but the print time makes the whole thing time-intensive.

2006-11-16, 12:42 AM
(and I am working on a very new, quite decent machine)

But Revit doesn't take advantage of the power that machine offers. That is the thing that chaps my hide. A $5000 software package takes less advantage of the power in my $3000 computer than a $50 game does! Doesn't make sense!


2006-11-16, 03:50 AM
I have an HP500 and I have it set on good quality which beats my fabulous hp deskjet on best. It takes an average of 3 minutes for B&W and 6 minutes for sheets with colorings on them.

PS - when I get to be 900 years old, I dont care how I look I just want to be able to kick butt like Master Yoda. ~slowly breaking out the roboflex~

Steve Jager
2006-11-16, 01:46 PM
If you don't need high quality results set your print settings to low or medium quality when printing shadowed views. Your print times will reduce dramatically .

2006-11-16, 03:40 PM
Single shot views; maybe less than 10, maybe more; full sized four view elevation sheets, (HAH!), maybe go to lunch and hope it is done when I get back !!!

What's wrong with this "picture?"

(oops, forgot my rose colored glasses again)

2006-11-16, 04:24 PM
for full size 30X42 images it usually takes me 5-12 minutes, not reaklly sure why it varies so much between similar views. the part that I don't like is after waiting all that time, maybe 1 out of 5 elevations will have giant white voids in it that no one can seem to figure out how to get rid of. If I knock the size down to 18X24 or 11X17 it only takes a minute or 2 and hasn't had any errors yet.

2006-12-08, 10:29 PM
Just ressurecting this thread because today it took me 2-1/2 hours to print 4 black & white shaded views - all of these had a single view per sheet at 24x36. It was a good thing I was not in a hurry. Argh.

Max Lloyd
2006-12-08, 11:27 PM
Hi Danielle,

I was curious as I had never bothered to time the print (although I have always thought shaded views were time consuming)

As a test, I just attempted to print an old drawing on my laptop (0.75gb RAM, acer laptop with M725, 1.6ghz processor) and it took me a satisfactory 4 mins, 30 seconds.

I realise this is a relatively simple building in terms of detail, but there are 4 shaded elevational views, plus plans and drafting views.

Not bad, although i must add, this was printed to A1 size pdf using full adobe pdf, and revit 8.0......



2006-12-09, 03:58 AM
If I turn shadow casting on, then it really takes rather long.

I'll try reducing the quality next time.