View Full Version : Revit 9.1 & Navisworks plugin...

2006-11-17, 11:26 PM
Hey, I'm having a hard time getting the Navisworks plugin working with Revit 9.1... and I'm wondering if it does. Anyone using it out there with R9.1? Or do I need to stick with R9?

2006-11-20, 10:42 PM
wish i could help, but i can't even get the navisworks guys to contact me back...so much for product support, i'm afraid.

2006-11-21, 04:30 PM
Hey, I'm having a hard time getting the Navisworks plugin working with Revit 9.1... and I'm wondering if it does. Anyone using it out there with R9.1? Or do I need to stick with R9?

We're using RB9.1 with Navisworks, but it has to be with version 5.1 or later. Do you have that upgrade? If so, make sure this code is in the Revit.ini:

ECName1=NavisWorks JetStream v5
ECDescription1=File exporter for NavisWorks JetStream v5
ECAssembly1=C:\Program Files\NavisWorks 5\nwexportrevit9\nwexportrevit5_r9.dll

2006-11-21, 08:04 PM
Huh. That's almost exactly what I've got in my .ini (only difference is that I've got it as the number two external tool, not the number one) and our version of Navis is 5.1.29647.

When I try to run the plugin I get a error log written out, full of errors that look like it's not finding what it needs to run. Not surprised, I'm on a laptop, and our network pathing gets a little goofy sometimes because of what we use to snyc the laptops back to the network.

I'll try swapping it into the number one spot and see if it makes a difference.

But I got what I needed done. I'm showing off the plugin in one of my AU talks, and the example model I've got is in 9.1. I just grabbed an older copy of that model that was still in 9.0 for that demo, and everything worked fine. We've been using Navis for a while here at Gensler, but not with the Revit plugin just yet, so I hadn't hit this issue...

2006-11-21, 10:13 PM
wish i could help, but i can't even get the navisworks guys to contact me back...so much for product support, i'm afraid.

edit: nevermind. i have been contacted by phone, which prompted a quick check of the spam filter, which caught previous messages. my bad, product support seems great...

2007-02-14, 09:39 PM
I was having trouble with the Navisworks R5 plugin for RB9.1. James Van's excerpt of code helped but some of the directory links needed to be tweaked to read the 9.1 plugin. If anyone runs into the same issue try this code instead for the revit.ini file:
ECName1=NavisWorks JetStream v5
ECDescription1=File exporter for NavisWorks JetStream v5
ECAssembly1=C:\Program Files\NavisWorks 5\nwexportrevit9_1\nwexportrevit91.dll

That worked for me. Thanks everyone for the help.