View Full Version : Wall Shape Handle Question

2006-11-18, 06:41 AM
See attached image. i have placed this wall it runs from the first floor to top of second floor plate. i then reshaped the profile of the wall around the curtain wall and when i try to pull the siding down with the shape handle for the bottom of the wall i get a small chunk that drops down at the corner of the curtain wall. also the bottom ot the wall moves down the same distance. it is strange.

2006-11-18, 11:36 AM
I don't think I fully understand what you are doing and what is the outcome...but what is the reason you are "reshaped the profile of the wall around the curtain wall"? Are you doing that so the curtain wall can be in the wall? or did I misundertand you? You can make the curtain wall "embed" into the wall, and it will automatically cut out the wall...

I usually totally discourage the editing profiles of walls, I do my best...but occasionally I am forced to edit profile...what I see you can achieve that without using "edit profile"

I'll wait to get more info from you...

Take care,

See attached image. i have placed this wall it runs from the first floor to top of second floor plate. i then reshaped the profile of the wall around the curtain wall and when i try to pull the siding down with the shape handle for the bottom of the wall i get a small chunk that drops down at the corner of the curtain wall. also the bottom ot the wall moves down the same distance. it is strange.

2006-11-18, 03:46 PM
I agree about wall profile editing. Use it sparingly. And use the embed option in your curtainwall.

I think I understand what your problem is. You have unlocked a layer and want control over that drag handle in only a part of the wall. Since that is an instance parameter, you can, but in your case you'll have to split the wall in separate pieces. Now each piece will behave independant from the other.

2006-11-18, 08:48 PM
the reason for the profile is the notch out on the left side and also the corner condition at the glazing. also the curtain wall is 2" off the floor so i dont want my wall and siding to show below i will add a inplace fam. it worked ok if i used thwo stacked walls but i have a siding situation that i thought would be easy if i used a full ht wall.