View Full Version : Hatch Patterns

2006-11-19, 03:24 AM
I know.....this is probably beating a dead horse. I can't find my answer.

I got really tired of the standard hatch file that came with Revit. I (used to) use the 6" shake (model) hatch for my shingle siding. Why? Because it's upside down. So, I find another shingle/shake pattern, change it to model, import it in and now that ones upside down. I haven't the slightest clue why it's upside down but shows right side up in my viewer. Can someone explain why this does this and if there is a way to fix it without rewriting the hatch?

I also copied the exact file and replaced the model header with drafting header. Well, in drafting it's right side up. Problem is, it doesn't scale right in 3d view. Only the modeling one does. I tried this with all the shingle patterns I found. Upside down with model pattern, right side up with drafting. I assume this has been talked about and is a wish list thing because it drives me bonkers.

I know that I can rotate it 180 by selecting it. Have done that on every one I draw. Question is, why would anyone want to do that on every single wall on every single house they draw?

Also, why is it when you are trying to edit the scale of your pattern, when you open up the dialog box, it's greyed out and you have to reimport the thing? Minor annoyance, but still annoying.

BTW, did you know "Revit" is not in the spell check dictionary? LOL, now that's funny.

2006-11-19, 04:19 AM
I have noticed this occasionally with the same pattern file. Occasionally it has happened on roofs that I have modeled as well. This sounds a little bug like to me. I am attaching a couple of other hatch patterns that might work better for you.

Best regards,

2006-11-19, 05:49 AM
I very much appreciate it. However they were all upside down. FYI this hasn't just happened on 9.1. I had it on 8.0/8.1 also.

2006-11-19, 04:39 PM
Doesn't anyone else have this problem? Or does anyone have a solution?

Brian Myers
2006-11-19, 06:02 PM
For what its worth, its a common problem. Here are some threads you can read.


2006-11-19, 06:28 PM
Thanks Dilbert. I saw those too. I haven't been able to find the answer as to why it rotates 180, or, if anything short of rewriting the hatch, can be done to fix it. It is just a nuisance to me and it's easy to work around, it's just time consuming to do on every wall/roof. Many hatches it just doesn't matter whether it's right side up or not.

2006-11-19, 06:48 PM
Has there ever been a support request filed regarding this problem? I for one would be curious to see what the response is. It might be a simple fix. Like changing all the numbers in the hatch pattern definition from negative to positve or vice versa.

2006-11-20, 03:05 AM
Change signs on the angle, Y-origin and Y-delta (1st, 3rd and 5th) values of each line in the pattern definition to flip it vertically (you may want to assign a new name to the result)..

Excel can help, particularly for large patterns or, if you have HatchKit, transform it with Y-scale set to the value -1.

On the other hand could this problem be a result of what Revit regarded as "up" when you associated the shingle hatch to the siding? Why do some (but not all hatches) flip this way?

Hugh Adamson
Cadro Pty Ltd
www.cadro.com.au/hatchkit/ (http://www.cadro.com.au/hatchkit/)

2006-11-20, 05:53 AM
I'm not sure if this will help but it might be worth a try...


I'd try using this hatch in Autocad and rotate it there and follow the instructions above...does this make Revit read it correctly once imported?

2006-11-20, 03:50 PM
I actually tested all the hatches I posted. They were not upside in my version of Revit (9.1 most recent build). So the question is, why are they showing up on your computer? Have you tried installing Revit on another computer (laptop, at home, etc) and then checking the project file? Better yet, could you post a project with just a few walls and offending hatch pattern(s). Let's see if we can duplicate it on this end.

2006-11-20, 04:09 PM
So, so, so close. I did what it said. I went into AutoCAD, rotated it in there, saved it, imported into Revit. When I import it, the lines aren't quite where they are supposed to be. The horizontal lines are slightly off, but enough to make it look pretty bad. If someone else could try and see what they get I'd appreciate it. I tried the roofing shingles 4 in autocad and also the AR-Shake one.

Great tip though. It works like a charm. Still upside down though.

Thank you for all your troubles everyone. I'd say I'm going to put in the wishlist.

2006-11-20, 04:19 PM
Actually, I used a generic template to get the file size down and noticed that on a generic wall, if I put the hatch on it's right side up. When I added a finish layer to it, it went upside down.

For some reason, you have to rotate the wall I have placed. I don't get that either. I saved it where the exterior was shown. Man, I'm a walking problem today!

2006-11-21, 03:16 AM
Has anyone tried this file to see if they experience the same problems I do?

2006-11-21, 03:01 PM
It's upside down for me too.

RB 9.1 Build 20060810_2300

2006-11-21, 04:58 PM
Hi! I just opened up your posted file. Now the hatch pattern is upside for me too! However, this is what I noticed and it is really strange that Revit should act this way. If you change the material to be on the interior side of the wall in the layers dialog box, the hatch pattern comes in correctly. When you put it to the exterior side of the wall it comes in upside down! Apparently the hatch pattern is reading one side of the wall as positive and one as negative. Try it and see if you get the same result.
This needs to be changed I think by the factory.

Best regards,

2006-11-21, 07:01 PM
One more interesting thing is that if the pattern is a drafting pattern you do not get this behavior.

2006-11-21, 07:35 PM
One more interesting thing is that if the pattern is a drafting pattern you do not get this behavior.I noticed that one too.

2006-11-21, 10:25 PM
You might want to invest in a hatch pattern generator so you could easily reverse the hatches for this problem or....wait until Revit 10! Finger's crossed!
Sorry I could not arrive at a better resolution for you.

Best regards,

2006-11-22, 03:53 PM
Please take some time and notify support about this.

2006-11-22, 09:58 PM
I am going to visit with some Revit developers next week...AU!
I will be sure to mention it in addition to submit it through the regular channels.
Best regards,

2007-01-26, 03:45 AM
I talked with a member of the Revit team. I mentioned this behavior. Hopefully it will be fixed in 10! The issue is that revit sees one side of a wall (roof) as positive and the other negative. It therefore turns the pattern upside down. When I mentioned this he said he would take a look at it and see what he could do.
Best regards,

2007-01-26, 04:10 PM
Thanks Teresa :) You were right then about the positive/negative hunch.