View Full Version : ceiling grid

2006-11-20, 10:58 PM
Might someone be able to tell me why my ceiling grid doesn't show in my reflected ceiling views? would it have something to do with the view range? I've tried a few things there, so unless I'm missing something, i don't know what it could be?

2006-11-20, 11:12 PM
Might someone be able to tell me why my ceiling grid doesn't show in my reflected ceiling views? would it have something to do with the view range? I've tried a few things there, so unless I'm missing something, i don't know what it could be?

Any chance you have the Ceiling Surface Pattern turned off in View Properties/Visibility?


2006-11-20, 11:16 PM
Thats turned on already, any other suggestions?

Adam Mac
2006-11-20, 11:33 PM
Two things to check:

1) You definately have a material pattern assigned to your ceiling
2) Your ceiling height falls within the view range....

other than that i don't have any ideas...

2006-11-20, 11:55 PM
Are you able to tell me what view range i would need to have if i want my ceiling height at 2700mm. and how do i know if i have a pattern assigned to the ceiling?

Adam Mac
2006-11-21, 12:20 AM
Hi Aaron -

pick the ceiling in question and open its properties....

in there you'll find at what height it's currently sitting
(default is usually 2600 affl)

While in the properties select >>Edit/New and there you will see the ceiling material. I would guess it's set as 600x600 grid or something.

Then go back to your view and make sure that the view range cut plane is
set below that and that the "top" value (and view depth) are above your ceiling. I've attached a pic to help explain....



2006-11-21, 05:37 AM
1. Make sure that you are in an RCP
2. Make sure that the ceiling is there (open the RCP and draw a section through the ceiling and window tile to see both views and then select the ceiling in the section and see if it highlights in the RCP)
3. Check the properties of the ceiling for its height offset from level and make sure that this number is reasonable (normal)
4. Check the View Range of the RCP (go to VP, scroll down to the bottom, select View Range, and make sure it is normal. If you are unsure about the View Range, simply scroll up in the VP dialog box and choose Default View Template Architectural Plan RCP. This will reset the View Range for the view to a default standard RCP
5. Now make sure there are not any Plan Regions in the view that might make the ceiling read improperly. Go to the View pane and choose Plan region and then zoom out a little to see if any Plan regions have been drawn by mistake.
6. Now that you know that it is not a View Range/ Plan Region issue, it must be either Vis Graphics or Materials. Type VG for Visibility Graphics and hit the plus button next to ceilings. There you should make sure that Surface Pattern is checked.
7. If Ceilings are on and Surface Pattern is checked, that leaves only Materials. Click on the ceiling and go to its properties. Hit Edit/ New and then Structure/ Edit. The Finish face Interior should be the lowest part of the ceiling. Click the finish material (example ACT) and then click the little down arrow that appears next to it. Now you are in the materials dialog box. Make sure that a SURFACE PATTERN is chosen that makes sense.
I have attached a bunch of screen shots of the end process, which is most likely the cause.

If none of these steps makes the surface pattern of your ceiling show up, delete the darn thing and try again with a different ceiling type.
Good luck,

Adam Mac
2006-11-21, 05:39 AM
If none of these steps makes the surface pattern of your ceiling show up, delete the darn thing and try again with a different ceiling type.

LOL - good advice.

Steve Jager
2006-11-21, 03:06 PM
To reiterate, draw a section and see where the ceiling is. One person I am training had the same issue, it truned out that she had the ceiling height the same ht as her floor system. It was in the middle of her floor system!

2006-11-21, 03:51 PM
Sometimes when I go to someone's desk I feel like a detective trying to solve a case. I love this stuff. Imagine how boring it would be to go back...

2006-11-21, 04:13 PM
One other thing to try is to set the view template to the "Architectural Reflected Ceiling Plan" under the "view" pulldown in the "Apply view template" tab. That should set your view range to the proper levels for you ceiling to show up.

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

2006-11-21, 11:07 PM
Well Stephen, I'm still stuck! after trying all of the things you told me to try, apart from one thing which I'm unsure of which is what you referred to as a normal offset for the ceiling height, what would be normal?
I selected the ceiling in section and it doesn't show up in the RCP.
I changed the the view to architectural RCP, and that didn't change anything.
There aren't any accidental plan regions.
The surface pattern is turned on.
And I've tried starting again from scratch! but to no avail!
So i wouldn't have a clue what else it could be?
Any other ideas?

2006-11-22, 02:55 PM
Aaron, what version are you using?

John K.
2006-11-22, 05:55 PM
Sometimes when I go to someone's desk I feel like a detective trying to solve a case. I love this stuff. Imagine how boring it would be to go back...What HE said. I do a lot of desktop Revit [mostly] support and always refer to it as forensics. Much more fun than say, stair details. I can't imagine going back either -- but I don't know if I'll ever be ready to take on the detective role with ADT or TriForma...

John K.
2006-11-22, 06:11 PM
A few questions:

1. Are you using worksets?
2. Are you using multiple levels?
3. Are you using an OOTB grid or custom?

-- jk

2006-11-22, 09:06 PM
What HE said. I do a lot of desktop Revit [mostly] support and always refer to it as forensics. Much more fun than say, stair details. I can't imagine going back either -- but I don't know if I'll ever be ready to take on the detective role with ADT or TriForma...Don't worry about those guys. As my dad always said, the cream rises to the top.

As for this ceiling issue, it sounds like the ceiling is there (that's good), but not visible (that's bad), so I would classify this problem as a visibility issue. So now I would recommend going through all possible reasons for visibility to be displaying differently than what you think it should.

A few questions:

1. Are you using worksets?
2. Are you using multiple levels?
3. Are you using an OOTB grid or custom?

-- jk

These are excellent examples/ issues to look into, though I must admit there are many more. I usually skip the "basics" and if I can't solve the problem, I work backwards, as we have in this case. Now, because the obvious stuff is not the answer, let's do what jk is suggesting and delve deeper:
1. Are you working with other people (who might have changed some settings in the project)
2. Are you sure that the side by side section and RCP are of the same area?
3. Is it a linked file?
4. Are you using worksets (and is it turned off in this view)?
5. Are you using Options (though this should not apply for this specific case)?
6. Are you using phasing (is this view set under view properties to something other than new)?
7. Do you have a filter turned on (Revit 9 or later)?
8. Could you successfully model another ceiling here or somewhere else?
You have entered what someone like Ross Perot might label as "the nitty gritty". At this point, if you have not reached an answer, you need to seek medical attention or solace in a bottle of wine. I would also recommend that you try to recreate this problem in a blank file. Make a new Revit file with your template as the base. Make a simple generic room with four walls, just like in your project. Drop in a room object and a floor to make it feel oh so right. Then try to drop in a ceiling. Before you place the ceiling, go to an RCP (or make an RCP based on that level). When you place it, it should appear or you should see the warning that says it could not appear in the view. Then slice a section, window tile, and see where you're at...
At this point, if you still can't get it, hook yourself up to a program called GLANCE (allows someone else to see your screen) and shoot me an email. I'll do what I can.
Wow, my head hurts. Good luck. Keep us posted as to whether it works out or not...