View Full Version : Zoom/Pan with scroll wheel?

2004-06-25, 02:44 AM
I have noticed that when I pan or zoom with the mouse scroll wheel it is slow to regenerate and jerky. When I pick the zoom icon and pan/zoom with the wheel it is smooth as silk. I can also pan and zoom with the wheel in autocad even smoother, so I don't think it is a hardware problem.

I really depend on the scroll wheel since I have a notebook. Can anyone offer advice?


Scott D Davis
2004-06-25, 04:23 AM
Ctrl and click and hold the scroll wheel plus move the mouse provides the smoothest, quickest zooming in my opinion. I rarely zoom by 'rolling' the scroll wheel.

Mr Spot
2004-06-25, 05:04 AM
I found the easiest method for me in zooming is with the zoom shortcut keys: zz, zx, zc. And then i just hold the roller button down to pan. But i guess its a personal thing...

2004-06-25, 12:51 PM
Using my laptop, I have become accustomed to the F8, Shift (spin) and F8, Ctrl (pan) for navigating my Revit models. It's quite easy to navigate with my IBM TrackPoint and this combination, but when I'm docked I use my wheel mouse without any trouble.

2004-06-25, 01:05 PM
For Me it is just easy to roll the wheel to zoom and press/move to pan. There is no need to press icons or keys. We all have unique preferences which is good.

However, my question is why rolling the wheel would be jerky, but first clicking the icon or key causes it to be smooth. I wonder if the direct entry from the mouse gets translated in a different way. Try just using the mouse and see if performance is degraded. If no one has problems it could be the mouse, but like I said, this is not a problem in autocad. So, probably not a hardware issue.


2004-06-25, 01:14 PM
So you're saying that using the wheel-zoom in Autocad is equally as smooth as using Real-Time Zoom? Hmmm. Maybe your ZOOMFACTOR setting is extremely low. Try this, export a 3D DWG from one of your Revit projects in which wheel zoom is choppy. Then open that file in Autocad and try wheel zoom again. Maybe it's just a matter of how much stuff you are regenerating.

2004-06-25, 01:19 PM
James Van, I was saying that even in Revit the pan/zoom with the wheel is smooth if I first issue a keyboard command or press the zoom icon. If I just use the wheel directly it is jerky.

2004-06-25, 06:09 PM
I think I found the problem. I had too many views open and I guess it takes up too much memory.
If true, it would be nice to have an Icon next to the views to show which ones are open. An item for the wish list.

Is there a way to not cashe the views and have them close automatically or limit the number?


Scott D Davis
2004-06-25, 06:38 PM
No, but there is a "Close Hidden Windows" in the Window pull-down, which will close any window thats not currently displayed.

2004-06-25, 06:44 PM
Thanks, that will save time. Maybe they will add an idication of which views are open later.
It is easy to forget you have so many open.


2008-07-04, 12:47 PM
There is usually a setting in your mouse driver that tells it how many lines (in a text document) that it should scroll with every step of the wheel. That might affect zooming in Revit.

I'm having the problem that I want the wheel to zoom while it wants to pan up and down. Logitech Set Point installed.

2008-07-04, 01:10 PM
I also had a similar problem on a users computer when we installed Revit 2009.
The middle mouse wheel was set as 'middle button' in the button configurations and was zooming in and out ok. But when holding shift button down and middle mouse button down it was not orbiting the 3d view as is usually the case.

After trying various settings we resolved the issue by simply removing all logitech mouse driver software and using default windows mouse drivers.

Not sure if there is a common problem of some logitech drivers with Revit 2009, but removing them sure helped us.

BTW we use a basic logitech 2 button mouse with a scroll wheel, not one of the super duper mice with loads of buttons where you need the logitech software to configure the extra buttons.

Jun Austria
2008-07-05, 12:43 AM
No, but there is a "Close Hidden Windows" in the Window pull-down, which will close any window thats not currently displayed.

Geessh. Thanks for that tip. I totally unintentionally ignored the rest of the list under "Window" pull down menu. Now I wish it will close the unselected view everytime I choose a different one. Just an option only feature for small screen user.

2009-07-23, 08:34 PM
Boy....I hate to re-hash a 5 year old discussion, but can't I just enter a keystroke for pan?

I come from the ACAD power user environment with maybe (1) toolbar....most commands were from the keyboard even in 3D.

All this moving around the screen, on a 22" screen none the less, is sickening...

Surely there is a better way to navigate the workspace...

2009-07-23, 09:08 PM
I've posted a similar thread....

My issue is that my wheel behaviour changes from zooming to, well, scrolling. You know, like the scroll bar on the side and at the bottom of your screen. It will be zooming and panning like expected, and then in a seemingly random fashion it will just start scrolling up or down. it's a bang your head annoying thing that gets resolved once I close the view and reopen it.