View Full Version : Changing hosting properties of a family

Mr Spot
2004-06-25, 06:13 AM
It seems in the past couple of days there have a been a few questions on how to change a family from hosted to non-hosted or from one type of hosted family to another and it seemed there should be a tip written for it. I apologise if there is already one...

To change a hosted family to non-hosted family:

Open the family you wish to change
Whilst this family is still open, start a new non-hosted family using the appropriate template.
Select all the elements of the hosted family, except the host - best done in a 3d view, and copy to the clipboard. NOTE: View specific detail should be done separately ie: symbolic lines
open the reference level in the new family and paste aligned in that view.
For the symbolic elements you'll have to go through copying and pasting to the appropriate views until all the data has been copied
If there are parameters setup, these will need to be re-setup in the new family.
Hopefully after this you have a new non-hosted family...

As a personal note i always do my families as non-hosted and when i require a hosted family i nest the non-hosted family in the hosted family and lock it to the host. Then simply relink the parameters. Quick and less chance of error and easier to change later down the track...

Cheers :beer:

2004-06-25, 06:33 AM
...I always do my families as non-hosted and when i require a hosted family i nest the non-hosted family in the hosted family and lock it to the host...
Clever fella, good tip!

Thanks for the summary I'm sure it will help folks out.

2005-04-06, 05:00 PM
could you PLEASE elaberate HOW TO start a new non-hosted family using the appropriate template?

2005-04-06, 05:19 PM
Any template can morph into another. For example - I do my window sashes as non hosted.
Open a generic template. Go to Family Category and Parameters. Change that to windows and I'm done. I'll draw the sash with it's basic parameters.

Once done this sash can be placed in a window family. It only needs 3 constraints. Lock the top, center and relative dimension to face or center of wall. Link the sash width and height to the host with height parameters and I'm all done.

This is a great way to make reusable componets.