View Full Version : Revit how do I generate overhead lines?

2006-11-26, 05:06 PM
This thread over on the Spanish forum, has remained unanswered, although it seems like a fairly simple question.
alguien sabe cómo configurar el Revit, para que me muestre las lineas de proyección de los elementos que están por encima de la línea de corte de la planta? las vigas, por ejemplo? o las ventanas altas??(If the on-line translator thing got it right.)
Does somebody know how to configure Revit, so that it shows me the line of projection of the elements that are above the cutting plane of the plant? the beams, for example? or the high windows.Anybody?

2006-11-26, 05:12 PM
I just had a similar question about that not too long ago.

If you have a beam above a cut plane and below say your next levels structural layer, you have to edit your family to show some symbolic lines in plan view. You also have to attach something to the model (your beam for instance) like an invisible line that will extend through your cut plane. This alone will make your symbolic lines appear on the plan.

For the window I would suggest the same thing. Attach an invisible line in the family editor. Then create your symbolic lines as needed

2006-11-26, 05:47 PM
I believe that you can also get this to set itself up for most out of the box items by adjust the upper boundries of the view range, but I'm not sure. All I know is that I was wondering that my self and then I adjusted the view range above and the lines were there.

2006-11-26, 06:00 PM
By doing so you might start seeing things you don't want to see though (kinda like hallucinating!).

By editing the families and adding symbolic lines and the "invisible" vertical line referenced in the previous post, you're leaving everything where it is and making sure that if the cut plane slices through that vertical invisible line, that the symbolic lines appear in plan.

2006-11-26, 06:41 PM
This is a method that does not require messing up with view range or special work designing families.
1. Change view Model Graphics style from Hidden Line to Wireframe. That should make the lines in question visible and selectable. Depending on where your overhead object is located you may also need to turn on underlay of a higher level.
2. Use linework tool with a linestyle that you use for showing overhead elements and select edges that you want to show.
3. Turn view display back to Hidden Lines. Edges that you selected for overhead display will continue showing as overhead.

2006-11-26, 07:17 PM
Thanks a lot Leonid, I didn't even know you could do that! This tells me that actually everything is "visible" in a view; some objects are just made invisible and Revit is just waiting for you to tell it otherwise. I've heard/seen methods such as locking symbolic lines to the actual overhead object, which works too but isn't as elegant. In the posted example, I set the view range such that the cut plane was above the beams first so they became visible, then used the linework tool and then re-set the view range to what it was before. If the overhead object was in another level, then just temporarily overlaying would have worked. Great tip.

There are instances when it's nice to just have objects show overhead automatically, such as openings in slabs or ceiling furr downs (or bulkheads) but with this method you have control over exactly what you show, while if you build it into the families you might have to use the linework tool anyway to turn some unwanted linework into invisible lines.

2006-11-26, 07:27 PM
Welcome. By the way, this method also useful for showing beyond objects in elevations.

2006-11-27, 04:30 AM
That is a great idea. I normally use the underlay option in the properties dialogue box and set to floor over to show and then use the same linework tool to pick lines. Another way to show the outline of a floor over is to utilise tha area boundary lines in area analysis and copy them after you change the line type back into your floor plan. I have used this in floor framing and footing plans and if you need to show in more than one view, turn the lines into a group and paste aligned to selected views.

Chad Smith
2006-11-27, 06:06 AM
I normally use the underlay option in the properties dialogue box and set to floor over to show and then use the same linework tool to pick lines.This is the way that I do it too. I always get a nice reaction when I show this little tip to the new guys in the office.

2006-11-27, 04:28 PM
I am interested in finding out how this works for you because it is obviously a timesaver. I tried it on my current project and a test project. I couldn't get either to work. I have a beam set so the top is flush with the top of the wall on the first level. I have turned on the wireframe and I still can't see it. Any suggestions?

2006-11-27, 06:15 PM
Set your underlay to Level 1 and the Underlay Orientation to Reflected Ceiling plan....you'll see the beam. Now go to your linework tool, select Overhead and pick the beam edges. Now you can turn off your underlay.

2006-11-27, 06:37 PM
Ah the underlay orientation is what got me. Thanks alot everyone. Makes one more thing that much easier to do in Revit

2006-11-27, 10:00 PM
2. Use linework tool with a linestyle that you use for showing overhead elements and select edges that you want to show.Great! I too was using detail lines to trace over objects - this should work much better.

2006-11-29, 06:29 PM
For the beams I have been using the "Vertical Projection" parameter in the beam properties and setting it to the level needed. Is there a downside to doing this, am I misusing the parameter?