View Full Version : Show High Window in Plan

Scott Hopkins
2003-06-19, 05:42 PM
I have a strip of high windows that don't show up in my floor plan. I am guessing that there is a trick to getting them to show up in the floor plan without raising the cut plane. I just can't figure it out. The solution to this (if there is one) may be a good item for "Tips and Tricks".

2003-06-19, 05:59 PM
open the window family, go to an elevation view, then draw an invisible line from the bot. of the window down to the floor level, now save the window and reload it. you should now see the plan symbol lines(assuming they were drawn) now you can use the linework tool to change them to dashed.

Scott Hopkins
2003-06-19, 06:30 PM
Thanks Scott

At first I tried a symbolic line and that didn't work. The model line however really did the trick. I have no idea why this works and would never have thought to try it.

2003-06-19, 06:41 PM
It works because the model line crosses the cut plane and therefore indicates to Revit that this item is in the view.

2003-06-20, 09:00 PM
i realize you already got er, but if you can't see things on a plan view the other way i found to view upper and lower windows,ect. is to set the cut plane to 0 and you actually can see it all.... hope this can help someone out!

2004-09-22, 03:05 AM
I have a window that doesn't seem to want to be seen at low level. I have locked the invisible lines in the family to the floor level but when loaded into a project, the invisible line does not lock to the floor level in the model. I have attached the family - could someone tell me what is going on? Many thanks

2004-09-22, 03:41 AM
There is a certain level below which windows will not show. I can't remember what the figure is. I think plan regions were invented for this purpose (showing high or low windows different from the view cut plane)but I have never had a lot of luck with them. If you think view levels are confusing, try using the view levels in plan regions. I usually end up bashing in numbers till something show up and then leaving it. Wish I could be more help.


2004-09-22, 04:23 AM
Why not use a Plan Region? The Model Line trick works, but not well. When you use the invisible Model Line the window shows, but the wall lineweights do not adjust - nor does any pattern or color you are using in the wall. Do it right - use a Plan Region.

My $.02

2004-09-22, 04:39 AM
I used the window as is and used plan regions as Mike suggests. Check out the attached project and image...(actually the bottom example in the image is using a plan region with a 6'-6" cut plane)

2004-09-22, 10:30 PM

That is interesting, but I have some questions: What is the window's height? What head height is the window sitting? Does the window cross the cut height plane in the middle example? It appears to. If this is the case, why would we consider using a Plan Region?

Please let me try: The example project has a wall with some high, but short windows. The first attachment shows the windows using a Plan Region to better show the windows. The second attachment shows the windows ONLY with the invisible model line technique. Notice that, without the Plan Region, the wall doesn't cut to make way for the windows. This makes it extremely difficult for a builder to find them easily or understand what they're looking at.

2004-09-22, 11:04 PM
thanks for the replies, but it really doesnt answer my question and am not a big fan of plan regions. What I was trying to make in my family was to make the invisible line in the family attach to the ground plane. When the family is loaded into a project at the default height it works, but if you move it lower to floor level or near to, then the invisible line does not stop at the floor line but prtrudes through the floor level, and hence can be seen in the RCP of the level below.

Any ideas?

2004-09-22, 11:11 PM
t...not a big fan of plan regions...What I was trying to...make the invisible line in the family attach to the ground plane...
Not a fan of plan regions? Guess you'll have to be satisfied with how the windows look in plan then...you need to use them to get the proper cut in plan.

I didn't check the locking of the invisible line in the window. It should be as simple (in an elevation view) as dragging the end of the line away and back to the ref line...a lock symbol should appear...click it? That's not working? I can look at your family again later if not. Even if this is working it will not tell Revit to cut the window properly, it will show the window but not cut the wall in plan, that's where the plan region comes in...

2004-09-22, 11:15 PM
What is the window's height?Check the project I uploaded for more info...but the window is short...about 2 ft tall.

What head height is the window sitting?The head of the window is roughly 2 ft higher.

Does the window cross the cut height plane in the middle example? It appears to. If this is the case, why would we consider using a Plan Region? Yes and no plan reqion is used on the middle example, just the top and bottom. Just a simple demonstration of how easy plan regions are...sketch it, set the cut plane...done.

2004-09-23, 02:06 AM
Not a fan of plan regions? Guess you'll have to be satisfied with how the windows look in plan then...you need to use them to get the proper cut in plan.

I didn't check the locking of the invisible line in the window. It should be as simple (in an elevation view) as dragging the end of the line away and back to the ref line...a lock symbol should appear...click it? That's not working? I can look at your family again later if not. Even if this is working it will not tell Revit to cut the window properly, it will show the window but not cut the wall in plan, that's where the plan region comes in...

Definitely not a fan of plan regions for windows - I prefer the look of the window showing over the brickwork - it makes the brickies think a bit more and refer to other drawings for clarification. If the wall was cut using plan region and the window is at floor level, the brickie will most likely think there is brickwork at floor level since there is a sill showing with the plan region. Same as hand drafting.

Anyway...thanks for the feedback - yes I checked and the invisible line is locked, so if you could look at it and let me know your thoughts when you have time, thanks.

2004-09-23, 05:47 AM
This is my experience with windows and invisible lines:-

If you lock an invisible line to the sill RP and the Level RP, it will flex correctly in the family.

When you load that family into a project and change the sill height, the invisible line now longer stays locked to the level plane.

If you open the Type Properties for the loaded window family, you will see a property called “ Default Sill Height “ This is the reference plane that the invisible line is locked to. Try adjusting this height and you will see the invisible line moves.

So, the work-around for your situation Funkman, is to change that parameter and then the invisible line won’t project below the floor level.

Is it a bug ? Duno could be…

2004-09-23, 06:51 AM
Is it a bug ? Duno could be…I don't remember it always being this way. Admittedly, I haven't added an invisible model line to a window in awhile because plan regions resolve the issue for me. Testing with a new stock window template yields exactly what you describe BeeGee and what Funkman is experiencing.

The model line won't help trying to show the window "below" the cut plane anyway unless there is one from the sill up the other way as well.

Plan regions work for us and conforms to our drafting standards. I won't pretend to understand your objection to them Funkman, I don't...but then you don't need me to? :) it's your choice after all!

Wish you well!

2004-09-23, 07:21 AM
We also use plan regions for this situation. We schedule sill heights, in these cases, so that the builder knows exactly what to do, ... if he doesn't look at an elevation ( ! )

It had been some time since I used invisible lines for this also, and my memory is as bad as Steve's on this point. :smile:

2004-09-23, 09:18 AM
I tend to use a window tag that includes cill and head heights no working drawings. Get's around the problem admirably.

2004-09-24, 01:12 AM
hmmm...looks like I shall convert to plan regions, and delete invisible lines from the windows
thanks everyone