View Full Version : Phasing Control with Room color fill

2006-11-28, 05:57 PM

I'm working on a small project that is broken out into 2 phases. In phase 1, i've added rooms and room tags and have added a color fill legend, no problem, looks good. Then, I went to phase 2 and added some more rooms, and once again, I added another room fill legend. At this point, while viewing the phase 2 view, i do not see any color fill for phase 1. And that's the way it should be.

BUT, I have someone in my office who wants to see a single "complete" view that shows both phase 1 and phase 2 showing BOTH phases color filled.

What is the proper way to do this? I could go back to phase 1, select the room tags and copy them into phase 2, this will then show the "complete" color fill plan. However , this doesn't seem like the best way to do this. I would think that a phase graphic override function under the "settings/Phases" might be able to control this better.

Any ideas?

2007-05-12, 09:50 PM
I'm running into the same question as sfraney asked last November. Is there an easier way to get the rooms from different phases to show up all together?


2007-05-13, 03:44 AM
Can't you set a phase filter to show Existing (phase 1) and New (phase 2)? Apply this to a view set to Phase 2 and you should be able to see both Phase 2 objects (New) and Phase 1 objects (Existing).

You could also overlay both plan views on a sheet to get a composite view of both phases.