View Full Version : Keynote Legend Internal

2006-11-28, 08:32 PM
My office is working on a pretty large project that will have hundreds of sheets. We are in the process of beginning to keynote everything and I am trying to get the legend set up. Since we have so many things in the project we will have quite a few keynotes so I am filtering the legend to show only what is on the sheet. Each time I place a legend on a sheet Revit creates a new "keynote legend internal." I don't know what this is but I don't want it there, it is just cluttering up our project, with hundreds of sheets I don't want to see hundreds of "keynote legend internals" If anyone can help me understand what this is doing and if I can get rid of them, I'd appreciate it.

2006-11-28, 09:42 PM
You should only have or need one Keynote Schedule that is then placed on each and every sheet that needs it within your project. Well, I guess you could have multiples with differing parameters, etc. Everything you describe sounds correct. It just sounds like someone keeps making more Keynote Schedules for each new sheet they generate. Just one needed with Filter By Sheet checked.

2006-11-28, 10:20 PM
That's what I thought, but as I place the legend called "SHEET NOTES," right when it generates on the sheet a new schedule pops up called "SHEET NOTESinternal." I'm not sure why.

2006-11-29, 12:46 AM
I also would like to know what it is....I saw that in a project today and could explain it or figure out where they came from.

2006-11-29, 03:32 PM
Hmmmm.....The Keynote Schedule is a true "schedule" in Revit. Are you saying that your Keynote Schedule is a "legend" in Revit? Just so I have a clear picture of what your doing, is your keynote list for your project showing up under "legends" or "schedules" within your project browser?

2006-11-29, 10:56 PM
They show up in the schedules, but they are called legends..the irony is fantastic. Anyone have any ideas? I've tried deleting out the "internal" legends (schedules) but then the respective sheet's keynote legend loses all of its data.

2007-02-02, 11:11 PM
I ran into the same problem and then figured out that this is related to revit 9.1 build, so just thought should share that here...atleast for those who visit this thread in search of a solution..
This is related to a Revit 9.1 Build, Try downloading the latest Revit build from the Autodesk website and the keynote legend should work just fine!

Shruti Harve-Ideate
Application Specialist,

Dean Camlin
2007-02-03, 02:44 PM
In the recent projects we have done using keynotes, there is one overall keynote schedule (it is a schedule, not a legend). As we place views with keynotes onto sheets, then drag the keynote schedule from the project browser onto the sheet, Revit automatically filters the schedule to display only those keynotes which appear in the views on the sheet. In 9.0, these filtered "internal" schedules appeared in our project browser, and we developed the habit of renaming them with the appropriate sheet number. But in 9.1 these internal schedules no longer appear in the browser. If they appear in yours, I would not delete them if I were you.

Note that on some projects upgraded from earlier versions of Revit, this ability to filter the overall schedule is not present; i.e., the entire keynote schedule appears on each sheet on which it is placed.