View Full Version : Temporary dimension references

2006-11-28, 09:16 PM
When you select an object to make the temporary dimensions appear (assuming they do appear, sometimes you don't get them in all directions), what determines which datums those dimensions go to?

I just placed a column near a grid line, and when I clicked on it, it did not give me a temp. dimension to the grid line less than 1 foot away. Oh no, instead it put a temp. dimension over to a gridline 3 structural bays away in the other direction.

It seems to depend on the view's extents. Depending on how close I'm zoomed the dimension might go to the first gridline to the right, or the 2nd, or the 3rd, or the exterior wall (4 grid lines away to the right). But no matter what I do it won't show a temp. dimension to the grid line directly adjacent to the left of the column.

I also tried panning so that only the column and the next 2 grid lines to the left were visible, at which point it puts a temp. dimension off the right side of the screen, all the way to the exterior wall! Annoying! So I am forced to place an actual dimension, adjust the column placement, and then delete the dimension. :roll:

2006-11-28, 09:50 PM
Just a quick message to say I'm seeing the exact same thing you are. No help here.

2006-11-28, 10:36 PM
Do you know that you can drag witness lines of temporary dimensions to other references? Or it is not working for you?

2006-11-29, 03:19 PM
Yes I know that, but it's just a pain when I need the temp dimension to a datum that's very close to the object, and yet it puts a dimension way off in the other direction and I have to zoom out, grab the witness line, and bring it back over to where I want it, instead of having the line go to a more logical location.

And then sometimes you get temp. dimensions in both directions, both to the left and right horizintally, and both up and down vertically, but other times you only get one temp. dimension horizontally, and one vertically.

Then still other times I'll only get one temp. dimension in one direction, and none in the other directions.

And finally there are instances where it won't give me any temp. dimensions at all, with no Activate Dimensions button. That's the most annoying.

2006-11-29, 03:49 PM
I'm with you patricks. I don't understand the logic behind it either.

2006-11-29, 04:00 PM
Guys, this is great stuff about temporary dimensions. I am going to experiment with them (I have never really fiddled around with them in the past). Thanks for your informative posts.

Curious to know: exactly how temp dims work. Curious to know: if anyone has ever asked to have temp dims become permanent dims with a click or checkbox?

Also, wanted to throw in my most recent temp dims experience. Someone made an uneven door family, dropped it into a project, and then temp dimmed it to see if it was sitting in the right place. The temp dim appeared to read incorrectly, and after a minute or two of playing around, I realized that it was simply wrong. I have attached a screen shot of this example. Is this a common occurrence? Am I missing anything?

Thanks for listening.

2006-11-29, 05:51 PM
It is likely that your temp dim is correct but your permanent dim hiding out the inaccuracy by round-off.

2006-11-30, 12:06 PM
What would it take for Autodesk to explain it instead of thousands of us experimenting to solve the puzzle?